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The Ravaged Coast


The Ravaged Coast is a new campaign setting in Aqshy, published in White Dwarf #504 (September 2024).

Far to the east of the Great Parch where the land meets the Ocean of Tears - lies the Ravaged Coast. This vast archipelago now lies crushed between the Great Parch and the emergent Gnaw, and it has quickly become a battleground of violent seas, sand-blasted atolls and Skaven-tainted ruins.

The Ravaged Coast Campaign

This article includes rules and background for fighting a Warcry campaign across the Ravaged Coast of Aqshy. Over this page, you'll find a plethora of exciting new rules, starting with a new heroic trait for your leader. As you can see, they're all pretty aggressive, but then the Realm of Fire does tend to have that effect on your fighters.

You'll also find a new Exploration table (take your waders), a Lesser Artefacts table (the Scorchbug Paste sounds... delicious?) and a Greater Artefacts table (yarg, me hearties, there be a Ship in a Bottle!).

There's also a new quest - Treasures of the Ravaged Coast - which offers up some tasty rewards should you be successful. We've already got our eye (or should that be foot?) on the Firewood Peg Leg.

Ravaged Coast Campaigns

To play campaigns in the Ravaged Coast, use the rules found on pages 98-113 of the Warcry Core Book, with the following changes.

Warband Rosters

When filling out your warband roster for your first campaign battle, you will need to use the following changes.

  • Step 2 - Pick Your Leader's Heroic Trait.
    You must pick 1 heroic trait from the table below instead of the one on page 99 of the Core Book.
  • Step 3 - Choose Your First Quest.
    There are new quests to choose from following the rules presented on page 119.
  • Step 4 - Finishing Touches.
    If you are starting a new campaign in the Ravaged Coast, note your encampment as being the ‘Desolate Beachhead' instead of the ‘Outskirts of the Gnarlwood'.

If you are changing the location of your campaign and using a warband that already has a warband roster, replace that warband's encampment location with ‘Desolate Beachhead'.

Ravaged Coast Heroic Traits

Heroic Traits
Fierce Warrior
In the Realm of Fire, passions run blazing hot, and explosive violence is never more than a heartbeat away.
Add 2 to the Attacks characteristic of melee attack actions made by this fighter while an enemy fighter that used an ability or reaction this battle round is within 6" of them.
Maddened Sprinter
This fighter hurtles into battle like a creature possessed, eager to spill the blood of their foes.
After this fighter uses an ability, add 2 to their Move characteristic for the rest of the battle round.
Berserker's Fortitude
Lost in the depths of their battle rage, this fighter cannot be stopped by anything short of total obliteration.
The first time this fighter would be taken down each battle, roll 2D6. You can remove the roll in damage points allocated to them. If the roll is a double, this ability can be used a second time this battle.
Vengeful Killer
This fighter becomes enraged at the sight ofa wounded ally and will set upon those responsible with a flurry of vengeful strikes.
The first time each battle round that another friendly fighter is taken down, add 2 wild dice to your saved wild dice.
Crazed Maniac
This fighter loves nothing more than the animal fury of close combat, embracing pain as a parent would their first born.
Roll a dice each time an attack action scores a critical hit on this fighter. On a roll of 4+, allocate 3 damage points to the attacker.
Bloodthirsty Warlord
This fighter knows that the best way to inspire loyalty is to annihilate their foes in a gore-splattered display of violence.
The first time an enemy fighter is taken down during each of this fighter's activations, this fighter can use the ‘Inspiring Presence' ability without needing or using any ability dice.

The Aftermath Sequence

When completing the aftermath sequence while playing campaigns in The Ravaged Coast, follow the rules in the Core Book, pages 102-109, with the following changes.

  1. Send Fighters Forth to Explore the Ravaged Coast
    This section replaces the ‘Exploring the Gnarlwood' section of this step.

    In this step, you can pick 1 fighter and send them forth to explore. Pick which fighter is being sent forth and make an exploration roll by rolling on the Ravaged Coast Exploration table below. Some of the results on the Ravaged Coast Exploration table may prompt you to roll on the Ravaged Coast Lesser Artefacts table. Other results are marked as a [location], which means the fighter has discovered a suitable place to which your warband can relocate their encampment.

    When a fighter discovers a location, you have the option to relocate your warband's encampment to that location or to interact with that location as specified in its rules.

    You can find the full rules for encampments on page 110 of the Core Rules. If a rule allows you to send forth more than 1 fighter to explore, make all your exploration rolls before deciding whether to relocate to or interact with any location you discover. If you decide to relocate, this must be done after the effects of the other exploration rolls are resolved. In addition, you cannot relocate more than once per aftermath sequence.

Ravaged Coast Exploration Table

  D66  Result
11-13A Watery Grave
A multilimbed deep-sea monster bursts from the water. Your fighter must battle for their life or risk being dragged beneath the ocean to be drowned and devoured.
Roll eight dice. For each roll of 1, make an injury roll for this fighter.
14-16Flotsam And Jetsam
There is plenty to find along the Ravaged Coast, but much of it is merely the scattered debris of disaster and death.
This result has no effect.
21-46Washed Up Treasure
Whether it was washed ashore in the wake of some terrible battle at sea or fell from the hands of a dying adventurer, this half-buried artefact radiates power.
Roll once on the Ravaged Coast Lesser Artefact table.
51-52Wrecked Hulk
You discover the shattered wreck of a sea-going vessel that was sunk or abandoned following the Vermindoom. It might provide a place of safety - or danger.
[Location] Wrecked Hulk: This fighter discovers a Wrecked Hulk. You can spend 5 glory to relocate to this location. Otherwise, this fighter can plunder it for loot. If they do so, roll a dice. On a 1-2, make an injury roll for this fighter. On a 3+, roll once on the Ravaged Coast Lesser Artefacts table.
53-54Smuggler's Cove
A series of inlets dot the coast, where smugglers or pirates used to hide smaller ships. If you are lucky, you might find someone's abandoned stash.
[Location] Smugglers Cove: This fighter discovers a Smugglers Cove. You can spend 5 glory to relocate to this location. Otherwise, this fighter can plunder it for loot. If they do so, roll a dice. On a 1-5, roll once on the Ravaged Coast Lesser Artefacts table. On a 6+, roll once on the Ravaged Coast Greater Artefacts table.
55-56Lightglass Tower
This ruined tower with its aetherquartz lens was once used to keep the coast lit in order to prevent shipwrecks. These seas are home to more monsters than fleets these days, but the watchtower is still a fine place from which to survey one's surroundings and illuminate potential hazards.
[Location] Lightglass Tower: This fighter discovers a Lightglass Tower. You can spend 10 glory to relocate to this location. Otherwise, this fighter can use it to scout the local area. If they do so, you can re-roll either or both dice for exploration rolls you make the next time you complete the aftermath sequence.
61Plunging Tide Pool
Perhaps there are treasures in the very bottom of these dark and uninviting rock pools. Perhaps there are dangers. You can dive in to have a look, of course, but in doing so you risk an unpleasant fate indeed.
[Location] Plunging Tide Pool: This fighter discovers a Plunging Tide Pool. You can spend 10 glory to relocate to this location. Otherwise, this fighter can dive in to search for treasure. If they do so, roll a dice. On a 3-5, roll once on the Ravaged Coast Lesser Artefacts table. On a roll of 6, roll D3 times on that table instead.
62Corrupted Nexus
This patch of land bears the scars ofthe Vermindoom. Creatures of Chaos can find some comfort here. For the rest, the only option is to scavenge what they can, then flee.
[Location] Corrupted Nexus: This fighter discovers a Corrupted Nexus. If your warband is from Grand Alliance Chaos, you can spend 15 glory to relocate to this location. Otherwise, this fighter can scavenge for treasure. If they do so, roll a dice. Add 1 to the roll if your warband is from Grand Alliance Chaos. On a roll of 1, make an injury roll for this fighter. On a roll of 2-4, roll once on the Ravaged Coast Lesser Artefacts table. On a roll of 5+, roll once on the Ravaged Coast Greater Artefacts table.
63Ship's Graveyard
Redolent in the magic of endings, this cove is full of shipwrecks. Giant nautical castles with vampiric heraldry, mechanical ironclads and sleek aelven vessels alike share a common grave. Deathly beings can draw energy from this place, while the living might find treasure amidst the wreckage.
[Location] Ship's Graveyard: This fighter discovers a Ship's Graveyard. If your warband is from Grand Alliance Death, you can spend 15 glory to relocate to this location. Otherwise, this fighter can scavenge for treasure. If they do so, roll a dice. Add 1 to the roll if your warband is from Grand Alliance Death. On a roll of 1, make an injury roll for this fighter. On a 2-4, roll once on the Ravaged Coast Lesser Artefacts table. On a roll of 5+, roll once on the Ravaged Coast Greater Artefacts table.
64Demolished Outpost
The broken ruin of a once great stronghold looms over the land. It is a fitting reminder that in the Mortal Realms, there is no monument that cannot be shattered by violence.
[Location] Demolished Outpost: This fighter discovers Demolished Outpost. If your warband is from Grand Alliance Destruction, you can spend 15 glory to relocate to this location. Otherwise, this fighter can scavenge for treasure. If they do so, roll a dice. Add 1 to the roll if your warband is from Grand Alliance Destruction. On a roll of 1, make an injury roll for this fighter. On a 2-4, roll once on the Ravaged Coast Lesser Artefacts table. On a roll of 5+, roll once on the Ravaged Coast Greater Artefacts table.
65Abandoned Bastion
The forces of Order have erected many temples, citadels and fortresses across the Mortal Realms. This one has survived the Vermindoom more or less intact. A safe haven, then, while it lasts...
[Location] Abandoned Bastion: This fighter discovers an Abandoned Bastion. If your warband is from Grand Alliance Order, you can spend 15 glory to relocate to this location. Otherwise, this fighter can scavenge for treasure. If they do so, roll a dice. Add 1 to the roll if your warband is from Grand Alliance Order. On a roll of 1, make an injury roll for this fighter. On a 2-4, roll once on the Ravaged Coast Lesser Artefacts table. On a roll of 5+, roll once on the Ravaged Coast Greater Artefacts table.
66Secluded Inlet
Sheltered from the ravages of war and Skaven malevolence, this inlet provides a perfect location for warbands to recuperate. Yet there is no such thing as sanctuary in the wild realms, and soon enemies or predators will also stumble upon this place.
[Location] Secluded Inlet: This fighter discovers a Secluded Inlet. You can spend 20 glory to relocate to this location. Otherwise, this fighter can scavenge for treasure. If they do so, roll D3 times on the Ravaged Coast Lesser Artefacts table and roll once on the Ravaged Coast Greater Artefacts table.

Lesser And Greater Artefacts And Their Tables

This section replaces the Lesser Artefacts and Lesser Artefacts Tables section of this step.

When a result on a lesser artefacts table grants your warband a lesser artefact, follow these rules. Each lesser artefact is marked as either [consumable] or [perishable] or [corrupted].

[Consumable] lesser artefacts require the bearer to use an action or bonus action for them to take effect. Once the action has been made, that lesser artefact is immediately removed from your warband roster.

[Perishable] lesser artefacts might also allow a fighter to use them as an action, or they might have a rule that is always in effect and does not require an action to use. In both cases, [perishable] lesser artefacts can be used in multiple battles and are not immediately removed after being used. Instead, in step 6 of the aftermath sequence, you must make a perish roll for each [perishable] lesser artefact on your warband roster to see if it is removed or not (page 112 of the Core Book).

‘Greater artefacts' simply refer to artefacts of power from the Ravaged Coast Greater Artefacts Table.

[Corrupted] artefacts are those that have been warped by the ruinous power of the Vermindoom. These follow the same rules as [perishable] artefacts. In addition, if a perish roll is made for a [corrupted] artefact and that artefact is not removed from your warband roster, then make D3 injury rolls for that fighter.

[Corrupted] artefacts can be purified. The ability to purify corrupted artefacts is linked to encampment and exploration results. When a [corrupted] artefact is purified, it is no longer [corrupted] and the bold rules text in the rules for that artefact have no effect.

Other Rewards

Lastly, you may find results on lesser artefacts tables that are marked as a [reward]. Instead of granting a lesser artefact, these results give a different reward as detailed.

Ravaged Coast Lesser Artefacts Table

  D66  Result
11-16Warplode Compass
A sliver of dark green glass lies in the centre of this compass, guiding the bearer to glory and riches for as long as they withstand the corrupting efiects.
[Corrupted] The bearer can use this artefact once when they are picked to join a battle group. If they do so, roll a dice. On a 4+, that battle group is deployed last. In addition, this battle group can always be deployed wholly within 3" of any battlefield edge, more than 6" from all enemy fighters.
21-23Crazed Familiar
A small, screeching beast with a crazed gleam in its eye has taken to one of your warband's members and savagely attacks anything that threatens them.
[Corrupted] Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, pick a visible enemy fighter within 6" of the bearer and roll a dice. On a 4+, allocate 1 damage point to that enemy fighter. Then allocate 2 damage points to that enemy fighter.
24-26Ruinglass Scope
A broken scope from a Dawnbringer's long-fusil has been exposed to the corrupting energies of the Gnaw. It allows the bearer to see great distances, provided they can ignore the visions ofruin that inevitably linger.
[Corrupted] If the bearer is sent forth to explore and the ensuing exploration roll has a result of 46 or less, you can change the first dice in the D66 roll to a 5. In addition, add 6" to the maximum range of this fighter's Ranged weapons.
31-32Darkglimmer Chalice
A Ghyranite relic soured by Chaos energy, this cursed goblet provides a bottomless source of potable water - though this cloudy liquid also saps at the imbiber's soul, filling them with a hopeless craving.
[Corrupted] Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, remove D3+3 damage points allocated to the bearer. Then, remove D6 damage points allocated to the bearer.
33-34Club Of Crushing Force
Once a belaying pin for a massive sea-faring vessel, this club has a weightfar greater than its mass would indicate. Just don't drop it on your foot.
[Corrupted] If a melee attack action made by the bearer scores two or more critical hits, roll a dice. On a 6, the target fighter cannot activate this battle round. Add 1 to that roll.
35-36Murderous Rope
This animated rope is forever trying to tie itself in knots. Radiating malevolent sorcery, it seeks out the necks of the living to constrict - even its bearer, if they let down their guard.
[Corrupted] If a melee attack action made by the bearer scores one or more critical hits, roll a dice. If the roll is equal to or greater than the target fighter's Toughness characteristic, allocate D6 damage points to that fighter. Add 1 to that roll.
41-42Blasting Globe
A strange weapon found on an abandoned battlefield, the origin of this grenade is unclear. Yet the destruction caused by its ember-fuel payload is beyond doubt.
[Consumable] The bearer can use this artefact as an action. If they do so, pick a visible point within 6" of this fighter. For each fighter within D6" of that point, roll a D3. On a 3+, allocate damage points to that fighter equal to the roll.
43-44Emberfire Elixir
This is doubtless one of the most potent potions available to scavengers of the Ravaged Coast. Once it is consumed, the imbiber's aura ignites in a halo of flames. This is deadly to all concerned - usually including whoever quaffed it.
[Consumable] The bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. For the rest of the battle, at the end of each of the bearer's activations, allocate D3 damage points to each fighter within 1" of the bearer.
Designer's Note: This damages the bearer at the end of each of their activations. Drink with care.
45-46Pulsating Egg Sac
This gelid mass of organic matter throbs with developing life. It is unclear whether it will hatch a vicious monstrosity or offer up a delicious snack for a fighter in need.
[Consumable] The bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, pick either the bearer or a visible enemy fighter within 3" and roll a dice. If you picked the bearer, on a 1-2, allocate D3 damage points to the bearer. Otherwise, remove damage points from the bearer equal to the roll. If you picked an enemy fighter, on a 1-2 there is no effect. Otherwise inflict damage points on that enemy fighter equal to the roll.
51-52Rusted Grapnel
This simple grapnel and chain is on its last legs and likely only good for one final climb.
[Consumable] The bearer can use this artefact as an action. Pick a platform within 12" of the bearer and vertically further from the battlefield floor than the bearer. Place this fighter on that platform so that it would be visible from the position it was in when it used this artefact. Fighter's with the Beast (Beast) and/or Mount (Mount) runemark cannot be the bearer of this artefact.
53-54Scorchbug Paste
A common salve used by the nomadic peoples Aqushy, this paste made from ground-up scorchbugs possesses healing properties - though it causes excruciating pain when applied to an open wound.
[Consumable] The bearer can use this artefact as an action. If they do so, remove each damage point allocated to them. In addition, they cannot use abilities or make reactions for the rest of the battle.
5 5-56Emberstone Caltrops
These vicious caltrops unleash a burst of intense heat when an unfortunate victim steps on them. They can burn one's foot to ash and blackened bone in an instant.
[Consumable] The bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, pick a visible point on a terrain feature within 6" of them. Parts of that terrain feature within 3" of that point are treated as deadly terrain for the rest ofthe battle round.
61[Perishable] Blade of Rust
Chipped, dented and with a veneer of rust, this blade withers all it touches. Magic is all that holds the weapon together, and with each swing it feels more brittle.
[Perishable]** Add 3 to the damage points allocated by each critical hit from melee attack actions made by the bearer.
62Anarchic Companion
A screeching, scrabbling creature has taken to following you, though you never know when its unpredictable behaviour will help or hinder your cause.
[Perishable] Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, roll a dice. On a 1-2, this fighter can make the ‘Counter' reaction once this battle instead of forfeiting one of their actions in that battle round. On a 3+, pick an enemy fighter within 6" of the bearer that is carrying treasure. They drop that treasure and this fighter picks up that treasure.
63Unreliable Blast-Fusil
This was once an impressive weapon, but it has lain on the sea floor for months before washing up on the shore of the Ravaged Coast. Even after some makeshift repair work, the odds of a misfire are worryingly high.
[Perishable] Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as an action. If they do so, roll a dice. On a 1-2, allocate D6 damage points to the bearer. On a 3+, pick a visible enemy fighter within 12" of the bearer. Allocate damage points to that fighter equal to the roll.
64Map of Lost Things
As soon as the bearer finds the treasure shown on this map, a new course is plotted leading to future loot.
[Perishable] If the bearer is sent forth to explore, you can choose to follow their treasure map instead. If you do so, roll a dice instead of making an exploration roll. On a roll of 1-2 nothing happens. On a 3+, you can roll once on the Ravaged Coast Lesser Artefacts table. On a 6+, you can also roll once on the Ravaged Coast Greater Artefacts table.
65Icon of Ruin
A sign of the supremacy of Chaos and the inevitable nature of ruin. For the followers of the Dark Gods, or simply the desperate, this icon offers incredible power. The price, however, may be more than they are willing to bear.
[Perishable] You can pick a non-[consumable] lesser artefact, a greater artefact or an artefact that is not [corrupted]. If that artefact is [purified], it is no longer [purified] and is now [corrupted]. If that artefact is not [purified] or [corrupted], it is now [corrupted] and has the following line of additional bold text: Add 3 to the value of abilities used by the bearer (to a maximum of 6).
66Aqshian Longkeel
This rugged rowboat is covered in skins and designed to withstand the boiling waters Aqushy. It is a real boon for would-be explorers.
[Perishable] If the bearer is not sent forth to explore, they can be sent forth to explore in addition to another fighter in each aftermath step. If an exploration made for the bearer results in an injury roll for the bearer, or a perish roll made for this artefact is 1-3, the row boat sinks. When the rowboat sinks, it is removed from your warband roster, then roll a dice. If the roll is greater than the bearer's Toughness value, there is no effect. Otherwise, the bearer drowns and is killed.

Ravaged Coast Greater Artefacts Table

  D66  Result
11-16Tattered Sailcloak
Made from the ragged foresail of a grand galleon, this cloak catches breezes with ease and allows the bearer to leap great distances.
[Corrupted] Do not count the distance moved vertically for the first move action the bearer makes each battle round. Add 1 to the Move characteristic of the bearer.
21-23Decklock Boots
No-one is sure how the magic of these metallically shod boots work, but it is clear that they can root themselves to anything.
[Corrupted] While the bearer is the target of an attack action, they cannot fall. Add 2 to the Move characteristic of the bearer.
24-26Commodore's Tricorn
A powerful aura of command surrounds this hat, but the symbols stitched into it sometimes twist in the mind's eye.
[Corrupted] The bearer can use this greater artefact as a bonus action only if they have not used an ability this activation. If they do so, the bearer can use the ‘Inspiring Presence' ability without needing or using any ability dice and without needing the Hero runemark (Hero) . When the bearer uses the Inspiring Presence ability, they can pick another friendly fighter within 12" of the bearer that is not visible.
31-32Eyeblind Ring
When this ring held aloft, enemy onlookers find their eyes stinging as if they had been submerged in ice-cold seawater.
[Corrupted] Subtract 1 from the Attacks characteristic (to a minimum of 1) of missile attack actions that target the bearer. Subtract 1 from the Attacks characteristic (to a minimum of 1) of missile attack actions that target visible friendly fighters within 3" of the bearer.
33-34Monsterhide Girdle
The hide of a Chaotic monster was used to make this belt, providing powerful strength to the bearer - in addition to some less controllable eflects.
[Corrupted] Add 2 to the Strength characteristic of the bearer. When this fighter uses an ability, before spending the ability dice, roll a dice. On a 1-2, that ability has no effect and the ability dice are still spent. On a 3+, the bearer can use that ability without spending or using any ability dice.
35-36Ship in a Bottle
A tiny ship is visible in this bottle, and if held at a certain angle, there is a hint of tiny figures scuttling about the deck and the rigging. Most importantly, the sloshing seawater the ship is sailing on appears to be infinite, as if connected to another ocean in a far off place.
[Corrupted] Once per battle, the bearer can unleash a flood as a bonus action. Each other fighter on the same platform as the bearer falls. If the bearer is on the battlefield floor, subtract 2 from the Move characteristic (to a minimum of 1) of each other fighter within 6" of the bearer for the rest of the battle round.
41-42Potion of Crashing Waves
If this briny potion is drunk in a single draught, the user's strength dramatically increases, but it only lasts as long as they can hold their breath.
[Consumable] Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, roll a dice. Increase the Attacks and Strength characteristics equal to half the value of the roll for melee attacks made by the bearer until they run out of breath. After the bearer makes an action, roll a dice. On a roll of 1-3, they run out of breath. Subtract 1 from the roll for each subsequent action made by the bearer.
43-44Potion of the Quiet Sea
The liquid in this bottle never moves and stays perfectly at a perpendicular level, no matter what angle the bottle is held at. When quaffed, it instils an aura of calm and stillness in the imbiber.
[Consumable] Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, ignore positive modifiers to characteristics of fighters within 6" of the bearer until the end of the battle round.
45-46Potion of the Roaring Ocean
Upon sipping this draught, the drinker's voice is raised to an incredible volume, even to the point of stunning nearby enemies.
[Consumable] Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, enemy fighters within 6" cannot use reactions or abilities until the end of the battle round.
51-52Potion or Undercurrents
A swift swig and the bearer becomes as quick as an undercurrent and twice as deadly.
[Consumable] Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, remove them from the battlefield, then set them up anywhere on the battlefield, more than 6" from all enemy fighters. Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of melee attack actions made by this fighter until the end of their activation.
53-54Potion of the Abyssal Depths
By draining this potion to the last drop, the bearer becomes as heavy and immovable as an object caught in the crushing grip of the blackest depths.
[Consumable] Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action before any other actions that activation. If they do so then they cannot make move actions or be allocated damage points until the end of the battle round.
55-56Alchemical Concoction
The only predictable thing about this drink is its utter unpredictability.
[Consumable] Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, roll a dice. On a 1, (after a few tense seconds), there is no effect. On a 2, allocate 2 damage points to the bearer. On a 3, pick an visible enemy fighter within 3" of the bearer, then allocate 3 damage points to that fighter. On a 4, this fighter can make a bonus move action of up to 4". On a 5, roll 5 dice and for each roll of 1 allocate 1 damage point to this fighter and for each roll of 6 allocate 1 damage point to each other fighter within 5" of this fighter. On a 6, after resolving each other roll, make 6 more rolls for this artefact (this can result in further rolls).
61Ulguan Backpack
Woven from Ulguan shadowcloth, this backpack allows anyone to carry more than you'd expect - at the cost that one morning the backpack will be gone along with whatever was being kept in it.
[Perishable] This fighter can be the bearer of this artefact and two other artefacts. If this artefact is crossed off your warband roster, cross off any other artefacts this fighter is the bearer of.
62Mimic's Scale
This armour mirrors not only its surroundings but also allows its wearer to mimic the movements of their foes.
[Perishable] The bearer can use this greater artefact as a bonus action only if they have not used an ability this activation. If they do so, pick a visible enemy fighter within 3" of the bearer. The bearer can use one ability that enemy fighter could use, including universal abilities, without needing or using any ability dice and without needing the required runemarks.
63Shield of the Corrupted Barnacle
A giant barnacle has attached itself to a driftwood plank. While this isn't a ‘real' shield per se, every now and then the barnacle reaches out and grabs a weapon swung in its direction.
[Perishable] The bearer gains the following reaction:
Barnacled: Once per battle, a fighter can make this reaction after they are targeted by a melee attack action but before the hit rolls are made. For each hit roll from that attack action that misses, pick one hit or critical hit. Each picked hit becomes a miss, and each picked critical hit becomes a hit.
64Saltspray Dagger
Each time this dagger strikes home, the victim is drained of moisture, leaving their limbs withered and their throat ragged.
[Perishable] If a melee attack action made by the bearer scores one or more critical hits, subtract that number from the Strength characteristic of the target of that attack action until the end of the battle round.
65Darson'S Folly
This Chamonic weapon is charged with such potent magnetic energy that the bolts it shoots grow stronger the more enemies they punch through. The ill-fated Marshal Darson became the first victim of this weapon, along with a half-dozen charging Cavaliers.
[Perishable] The bearer can use this artefact as an action. If they do so, pick a visible enemy fighter within 18". Draw a straight imaginary line 1mm wide from the centre of the bearer's base to the centre of that fighter's base. Roll a dice for each enemy fighter whose base is crossed by that line, starting with the fighter nearest to the bearer and then the next nearest fighter and so on. On a roll of 4+, allocate D3 damage points to that fighter. For each subsequent roll, add 1 to the roll and the damage points allocated.
66Swashbuckler'S Cutlass
The more reckless and brave the wielder, the more they are rewarded by the magic that powers this blade.
[Perishable] Each time this fighter makes a melee attack action, if they used a Move action as a previous action this activation, and jumped and/or fell more than 3" during that Move action, add 2 to the Attacks characteristic of melee attack actions made by this fighter until the end of their activation.

Common Encampment Locations

LocationLocation BonusPoints LimitReputation Modifier
Desolate BeachheadDo not make encampment checks for this location.1,000+0
Wrecked Hulk
Sheltered beneath this hulk, warbands find succour and a moderate amount of safety.
You can re-roll encampment checks for this location.1,050+1
Lightglass Tower
Once this Hyshian lens is activated, fighters battling in the Ravaged Coast can search in relative safety.
Each time you roll on the Lesser Artefact table, you can add 1 or subtract 1 from one of the two dice.1,050+1
Plunging Tide Pool
Fresh, clean water is undoubtedly a precious resource, used for cleaning wounds and drinking alike.
Do not make injury rolls for friendly fighters while they are being sent forth to explore.1,100+1
Corrupted Nexus
If this nexus proves anything, it is that the thirsting gods are always listening and are forever happy to accept sacrifices.
If your warband is from Grand Alliance Chaos, once per aftermath sequence, you can sacrifice a friendly fighter to the Ruinous Powers. That fighter is killed. Gain glory points equal to half that fighter's glory cost, rounded down, to a minimum of 0 (see page 112 of the Core Rules), then roll once on a Lesser Artefacts table of your choice. You cannot pick a table it would ordinarily be impossible for you to roll on.1,150+2
Ship's Graveyard
Drenched in Shyishan magic, this graveyard is the perfect site from which to raise new undead thralls.
If your warband is from Grand Alliance Death, you can make one attempt in each aftermath sequence to resurrect a fighter that has been killed. You cannot pick a fighter with the Monster runemark (Monster). In step 6 of the aftermath sequence, pick a friendly fighter that has been killed and roll a dice. If that roll is greater than the glory cost of that fighter, they are resurrected - add them to your warband roster as if they had been recruited. That fighter loses a level of renown but retains any artefacts they were the bearer of.1,150+2
Demolished Outpost
Even at rest, the forces of Destruction can't resist agood solid brawl to just make sure the boss is still the boss.
If your warband is from Grand Alliance Destruction, you can hold a brawl to see which fighter in your warband is the mightiest, and therefore the rightiest. Roll dice for each fighter equal to their glory cost. Re-roll any ties. Whichever fighter has the highest single roll is the mightiest and therefore the rightiest, and they gain the Hero runemark (Hero) until the end of your next battle.1,150+2
Abandoned Bastion
When they march to war, setting out from a place of safety to which they can later return emboldens the forces of Order.
If your warband is from Grand Alliance Order, after deployment, you can randomly determine one battle group on the battlefield to sally forth and reconquer the Mortal Realms. Each fighter in that battle group can immediately make one bonus move action. If multiple warbands have this ability, the attackers resolve theirs first.1,150+2
Secluded Inlet
This inlet gives the warbands that reside there a safe place from which to thoroughly search the Ravaged Coast
Each time you would roll on the Lesser Artefact table, you can roll on the Greater Artefact table instead but subtract 3 from each roll, to a minimum of 1.1,200+3

Quests of the Ravaged Coasts

When completing the aftermath sequence when playing campaigns in the Ravaged Coast, follow the rules in the Core Book (pages 102-113) with the following changes.

Treasures of the Gnarlwood
Replace this quest with the Treasures of the Ravaged Coast quest (below).

Ascension to Glory
When a player completes this quest, they must choose a heroic trait from the table on this page instead of the one in the core rules.

Universal Quest: Treasures of the Ravaged Coast

Found in the sunken grottos, buried on peninsulas, lying at the bottom of the ocean or even just washed up on the shoreline, there are many ways to find valuable artefacts across the Ravaged Coast.

While embarked upon this quest, keep track of the number of times a battle ends where:

  • One or more friendly fighters are within 3" of any objectives
  • One or more friendly fighters are carrying treasure
  • If a battleplan contain neither objectives nor treasure, then if there are friendly fighters in 3 or more different battlefield quarters
  • One or more enemy leaders are taken down

For each of those that is true, gain 1 treasure point.

Once your treasure hunt reaches 6 or more, in step 5 of the aftermath sequence, you can complete this quest and your warband has discovered the artefact. Roll on the Treasures of the Ravaged Coast table below to see what you find. If the result is an artefact that a fighter in your warband already bears, roll again until the result is an artefact no fighter in your warband bears.

Treasures of the Ravaged Coast

 D6 Treasure
1Flamewood Peg Leg
For the un-injured, this wooden limb is a weapon of terrifyingly potency, for flamewood is a deadly material. For those who need it for its intended purpose, however, it is a fiercely useful peg leg.
Add 2 to the damage points allocated by each critical hit from melee attack actions made by the bearer. In addition, the bearer cannot have the Broken Leg injury.
2Cunning-eye Patch
This is a clever innovation, an eye patch that is translucent to the wearer. It confuses fighters who do not expect the bearer to be able to see certain attacks. Indeed, its magics are so patent that should it be placed over a missing eye, the bearer can see as if their eye were still there.
Add 2 to the Attacks characteristic of the bearer for the third and fourth battle round. In addition, the bearer cannot have the Blinded in One Eye injury.
3Emberstone Hook
A deadly weapon in the hands of even the unskilled, this vicious hook can serve as a deadly weapon, and even a replacement limb, should the need arise.
Add 4 to the damage points allocated by the first critical hit scored from melee attack actions made by the bearer in each of their activations. In addition, the bearer cannot have the Fractured Arm injury.
4Ember-tempered Breastplate
This breastplate is rumoured to have been fired in a forge heated by emberstone, the incredible expense of such a task is often overlooked in favour of a good tale. However, the protection it affords is second to none, which, in some small way, speaks to the possibility of the rumours being at least partially true.
Add 5 to the Wounds characteristic of the bearer. In addition, the bearer cannot have the Cracked Rib or Gut Wound injuries.
5Mythical Feather
No-one is quite sure what this feather comes from, a noble phoenix or a despicable cockatrice, or even a malformed Chaos Spawn. Its protective properties however, are worthy of a sage all its own.
The first time each battle the bearer would be taken down, roll a dice. On a 3+, they are not taken down. Instead any remaining damage points that would be allocated to them have no effect, then remove damage points allocated to the bearer equal to that roll.
6Ossian Harpoon
This harpoon has not only barbed hooks, it has a grim sentience. The barbs function as miniature limbs, dragging the harpoon blade itself deeper into flesh, causing ruinous damage.
Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as an action. When they do so, pick a visible enemy fighter within 8" of them as the target. The target makes a bonus move action directly towards this fighter, as if they were jumping, until they are within 1" of the bearer. When doing so, they can move away from enemy fighters within 1" at the start of that move action. Then roll a dice for each inch the target moved. On a 3+, allocate 1 damage point to the target.