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Allies, Thralls and Monsters

This section details 3 special types of fighter that you can include in your warband when picking your warband for battle. For players new to Warcry, we recommend you fight a few battles first before using the rules in this section.


Allies are powerful fighters from other factions that can be included in your warband.

You can include any fighter with the Hero runemark (Hero) or the Ally runemark (Ally) in your warband as an ally if they meet the following criteria:

  • Their faction runemark is different to the one chosen for your warband.
  • Their faction runemark belongs to the same Grand Alliance as your warband’s faction runemark.

You can include up to 2 allies in your warband. In addition, if the ally has the Hero runemark (Hero), they also count towards your limit of 3 fighters with the Hero runemark (Hero).

An ally cannot be the leader of your warband, so if your warband includes any allies with the Hero runemark (Hero), you must include at least 1 other fighter with the Hero runemark (Hero) and who is not an ally to be the leader.

Allies and Abilities

Allies can use any abilities their runemarks grant them access to, including their faction’s abilities.


Thralls are beasts and other creatures a warband can bind to do their bidding. You can include any fighter with the Thrall runemark (Thrall) in your warband as a thrall if their faction runemark belongs to the same Grand Alliance as your warband’s faction runemark.

You can include up to 3 thralls in your warband.

Thralls and Abilities

Thralls can use any abilities their runemarks grant them access to, including their faction’s abilities.


Monsters are gargantuan creatures that rampage across the battlefield.

You can include 1 fighter with the Monster runemark (Monster) in your warband as a monster if their faction runemark belongs to the same Grand Alliance as your warband’s faction runemark.

Monsters have special rules that apply to them in battle:

Damage Tables

Monster profiles often have characteristics marked ‘*’ and a corresponding damage table. The value of these characteristics is based on the number of wounds currently allocated to that monster, as show on its damage table.

Battle Groups

If your warband includes a monster, when dividing the fighters into battle groups, the monster is placed into 1 of the battle groups by itself and the remaining fighters in the warband are spread amongst the other 2 battle groups as evenly as possible.


Because of their greater size, when monsters are set up during deployment, they only need to be placed within 3" of their deployment point instead of wholly within 3".

Activating Monsters

A monster is activated 3 times in a battle round instead of only once. However, each time it is activated, it can make only 1 action instead of 2. Each time a monster is activated, it can use 1 ability before or after its action.

If a monster makes a wait action, its activation immediately ends; the monster cannot use a wait action to begin waiting. In addition, monsters cannot make reactions.

Move Actions With Monsters

A monster can climb and jump like any other fighter. However, if at the end of a move action its base is not wholly on a platform or the battlefield floor, it falls. When a monster falls, any part of the monster’s base can be placed on the point picked by your opponent instead of just the centre.

Monsters And Abilities

If any monsters are in play, all fighters except the monsters themselves and fighters with the Beast runemark (Beast) can use the monster-hunting abilities shown opposite.

Monsters themselves each have their own ability table and cannot use universal abilities. In addition, monsters can use the monster abilities shown opposite.

Monster-Hunting Abilities
[Double] Binding Ropes: Pick an enemy monster within 1" of this fighter and roll a number of dice equal to the value of this ability. For each 4+, subtract 1 from the Move characteristic of that monster (to a minimum of 3) until the end of the battle.
[Triple] Go for the Eyes: If the next attack action made by this fighter this activation that targets an enemy monster scores any critical hits, subtract 1 from the Attacks characteristic (to a minimum of 1) of attack actions made by that monster until the end of the battle.
[Quad] Taunt: Pick a visible enemy monster within 6" of this fighter and roll a number of dice equal to the value of this ability. If a 4+ is rolled on any of the dice, then until the end of the battle round or until this fighter is taken down, attack actions made by that monster must target this fighter.
Monster Abilities
[Double] Monstrous Reach: Until the end of this monster’s activation, do not count the vertical distance when measuring the range for attack actions made by this monster.
[Triple] Drag and Maul: Pick a visible enemy fighter within 6" of this monster. Remove that fighter from the battlefield and set them up within 1" of this monster. Then, roll a number of dice equal to the value of this ability. For each 4+, allocate 3 damage points to that fighter.
[Quad] Demolishing Rampage: Pick a terrain feature within 1" of this monster. In an order of your choice, place each objective, treasure token and fighter that is on that terrain feature, and on any other terrain feature that is on that terrain feature, on the battlefield floor in a location of your choice as close as possible horizontally to its current location. Then, in an order of your choice, each fighter placed on the battlefield in this manner suffers impact damage. Then, remove the terrain feature(s).