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Bespoke Warbands

Bespoke warbands have been created specifically for Warcry. They are playable as complete warband out of the box, and use all models inside to complete a list. If you are looking at playing a narrative campaign or in a more competitive environment, a second box may be beneficial. These bespoke warbands are treated as distinct factions from their Age of Sigmar variants. This means that while you can ally in other fighters from their parent faction, they can't be intermingled.

Warcry 1st Edition

These warbands have updated rules for second edition, but they are considered to be less competitive than second edition (and standard) warbands. Many have been discontinued from Age of Sigmar and may soon be out of print.


  • Corvus Cabal
  • Cypher Lords
  • Darkoath Savagers
  • Iron Golem
  • Scions of the Flame
  • Spire Tyrants
  • Splintered Fang
  • Tarantulos Brood
  • The Unmade
  • Untamed Beasts


  • Khainite Shadowstalkers

Warcry 2nd Edition (current)


  • Chaos Legionnaries
  • Claws of Karanak
  • The Horns Of Hashut
  • The Jade Obelisk
  • Rotmire Creed


  • Askurgan Trueblades
  • Pyregheists
  • Royal Beastflayers


  • Gorger Mawpack
  • Kruleboyz Monsta-Killaz


  • The Blacktalons*
    The Blacktalons were a special release for the Warhammer+ show, but make a complete warband in their own right
  • Hunters of Huanchi
  • Stormcast Eternals Questor Soulsworn
  • Vulkyn Flameseekers
  • Wildercorps Hunters
  • Ydrilan Riverblades