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The following rules explain how to play a game of Warcry, taking you through every step of fighting a brutal battle within the blood-soaked depths of the Gnarlwood.

Fighters And Warbands

In a Warcry battle, each player controls a group of Citadel Miniatures referred to as fighters. Collectively, all the fighters one player controls are referred to as a warband, and in a battle, players' warbands are pitched against each other. Most Citadel Miniatures are mounted upon a base; a miniature's base is treated as part of the fighter.

Friendly And Enemy Fighters

A player considers all fighters in their warband to be friendly fighters and all fighters in other warbands to be enemy fighters. Likewise, a fighter considers all other fighters in their warband to be friendly fighters, and all fighters in other warbands to be enemy fighters. If a rule for an action or ability performed by a fighter refers to ‘other friendly fighters', it means fighters from that fighter's warband, excluding itself.

Fighter Profiles

Each fighter has a profile, which details their characteristics (their Move, Toughness and Wounds), the weapons they are armed with, and the runemarks they have. Below you can see two example profiles. Although the format for each is different, the information they contain is the same.


Many rules in Warcry refer to symbols known as runemarks. You can find runemarks in many places; for example, each fighter has a faction runemark on their profile to indicate which faction they belong to, and up to 3 other runemarks to determine the abilities they can use and any other rules that apply to them. You can find a list of the different runemarks here.

The Battlefield

Warcry battles are fought upon a battlefield. This can be any flat surface upon which the fighters can stand. Warcry battlefield mats are 30" in length and 22" in width, and the rules are designed to work especially well with these dimensions, but any flat surface roughly 30" by 22" will be suitable.

The battlefield will be populated with one or more terrain features. If a rule refers to the battlefield floor, this includes only the flat surface the battle is played upon and not the terrain features. For example, if a rule requires a treasure token to be placed on the battlefield floor, it cannot be placed on a terrain feature. If a rule refers simply to the battlefield, this includes both the battlefield floor and the terrain features.

Tools Of War

In order to fight a Warcry battle, you will need some six-sided dice and a ruler or tape measure marked with inches (").

Measuring Distances

Distances in Warcry are measured in inches ("), between the closest points of the bases of the fighters you are measuring to and from. If a rule requires something to be within a certain range of something else, they are considered to be within if the distance between them is equal to or less than the specified distance. If a rule requires a fighter to be wholly within, every part of that fighter's base must be within range.

Usually, measuring distances will take into account both the vertical and horizontal distance between two models, but in some cases a rule might specify to measure the horizontal distance or the vertical distance only. You can measure distances whenever you wish.


Warcry uses regular six-sided dice (sometimes abbreviated to D6). Some rules refer to 2D6, 3D6 and so on – in such cases, roll that many dice and add the results together. If a rule requires you to roll a D3, roll a regular six-sided dice and halve the total, rounding up. If a rule requires a dice roll of, for example, 3 or more, this is often abbreviated to 3+.


Some rules will ask a player to roll a D66. To do so, roll a six-sided dice twice. The first roll determines the ten, and the second roll determines the unit. For example, if you rolled a 3 followed by a 5, the D66 roll would be 35.


Sometimes a rule may require the players to make a roll-off. When this is the case, each player rolls a dice, and whoever rolls highest wins the roll-off. If there is a tie for the highest roll, make the roll-off again.


Some rules allow you to re-roll a dice roll (for example, when making a hit roll), which means you get to roll some or all of the dice again. The rule that allows the re-roll will specify exactly how many of the dice can be re-rolled. A dice roll can never be re-rolled more than once.


Many rules in Warcry require one fighter (usually the target of an attack action or ability) to be visible to another fighter (usually the fighter making the attack action or using the ability). One fighter is visible to another fighter if a straight line can be drawn between the two fighters without it passing through a terrain feature or another fighter.

If you are unsure whether a fighter is visible, stoop down behind the fighter making the attack action or using the ability to see if any part of the target fighter is visible from any part of the fighter making the attack action.

When checking to see if two fighters are visible to each other, do not include the bases the fighters are mounted upon. Lastly, for rules purposes, fighters are not considered to be visible to themselves.


In most cases, rules will be resolved one at a time. However, from time to time, rules may appear to come into play at the same time and it may be unclear as to which is resolved first. If this occurs in the combat phase, the player whose turn it is to activate a fighter chooses the order in which the rules are resolved; in other phases, the player with the initiative chooses. In any other case, the players roll off and the winner chooses.