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Royal Beastflayers Quests

Source: Might and Madness (out of print)

Slay The Beast In Its Lair

By the decree of Archduke Deadfang, the forest drake Calcodrax the Incredibly Awful and its terrible spawn have plagued these lands for long enough! You have pursued such a creature to this forest, which is no doubt brimming with the wyrm's mortal minions.

Pick 1 artefact of power from the Relics of the Realm table (see below) and note it in your quest log. You cannot pick an artefact of power already borne by a fighter in your warband.

You must keep track of your warband's efforts to drive off Calcodrax with a quest score. While embarked upon this quest, at the end of each battle:

  • Add 1 to your quest score for each objective your warband controls, for each friendly fighter that is carrying treasure, and for each enemy fighter with 2 or more runemarks that was taken down.
  • Add 5 to your quest score if any enemy fighters with the Beast (Beast) runemark were taken down.
  • Add 10 to your quest score if any enemy monsters were taken down.

You can complete this quest in step 4 of the aftermath sequence if your quest score is 10 or more: the damage you have caused to Calcodrax, its minions or its spawn has caused the beast to flee these lands for good! When you complete this quest, you obtain the Relic of the Realm that was noted in your quest log.

Relics of the Realm Table

The Bone of Chivalry
A mighty weapon, torn from the bowels of a mighty drake slain in single combat, this weapon has been passed down to scions of royal lineage for generations.
Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of this fighter's melee attack actions when targeting a fighter with a Wounds characteristic of 15 or more.
Horn of Wild Echoes
The piercing note that emanates from this horn emboldens allies as it shreds the sanity of the enemy.
Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, until the end of the battle round, subtract 1 (to a minimum of 1) from the Attacks characteristic of melee attack actions made by enemy fighters within 6” of the bearer, and add 1 to the damage points allocated by each critical hit from melee attack actions made by friendly fighters.
Necklace of Innard Strength
This fabulous pendant is made of glistening jewels and shining metals — so the ghouls believe — and bestows rejuvenating energies upon the bearer when enemies are slain in its vicinity.
Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action after an enemy fighter is taken down by an attack action made by them. If they do so, at the start of each of the bearer's subsequent activations, remove 3 damage points allocated to them.
The Graven Shroud
Ghoul hunters claim that by meditating beneath this shroud under a full moon, they will behold the visage of Nagash. Certainly, powerful magics cling to it that can leave a foe helplessly frozen in place.
Enemy fighters within 1" of the bearer cannot make disengage actions.
The Bones of Saint Giblet
Saint Giblet was known for their ability to inspire great loyalty within not only their kingdom's warriors, but the beasts of the wild too. One who carries the holy wanderer's bones, in what passes amongst ghouls for a glorious reliquary, gains a measure of that same power.
Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, pick 1 friendly fighter with the Flesh-eater Courts (Flesh-eater Courts) or Royal Beastflayers (Royal Beastflayers) runemark and either the Brute (Brute), Champion (Champion) or Beast (Beast) runemark. That fighter makes a bonus move action or a bonus attack action.
Helm of Baron Sinhew
This mask depicts the fearsome visage of Baron Sinhew, the infamous Grizzled Knight. His roaring aspect instils terror in all who dare to face the wearer in battle.
Subtract 1 from the damage points allocated by each hit and critical hit (to a minimum of 1) from melee attack actions that target the bearer.

Retrieve The Heirloom

A priceless heirloom of the royal bloodline has been stolen! Worse still, this item was purloined under your watch. This shame is a deep wound in your honourable soul, but your benevolent lord has seen fit to grant you and the skilled hunters of your entourage a chance to redeem yourself. Track the thief and retrieve the heirloom before Gnorl Halfeaten lopes across the skies three times, and your worthy name shall be restored.

Pick a fighter in your warband that does not have the Beast runemark (Beast) and can gain a heroic trait, and note them in your quest log. See page 104 of the Core Book to find out how fighters can gain a heroic trait. While embarked upon this quest, you must keep track of how close your warband is to catching the thief with a tracking score. Add 1 to your tracking score each time:

  • An enemy fighter that is carrying treasure is taken down.
  • An enemy fighter within 3" of an objective is taken down.
  • An enemy fighter with 2 or more runemarks is taken down.

In addition, in step 4 of the aftermath sequence, add 2 to your tracking score if you won the battle.

While your tracking score totals 12 or more, you can fight battles using the ‘Slay the Thief, Seize the Prize' quest battleplan. If you do so and you win the battle, in step 4 of the aftermath sequence, you can give the fighter you picked when you embarked on this quest one of the heroic traits from the Knightly Virtues table below.

Knightly Virtues Table

Heroic traits
Knight of the Realm
The gallantry, honour and courage of this lordly Beastflayer inspires all those who fight at their side.
If this fighter is included in your warband, you begin the battle with 1 additional wild dice.
Knight of Purity
Holy light (or perhaps deathly energy) blazes from the eyes of this most faithful of knights. Beneath their gaze, evil and impure beings are hurled back by their presence alone.
At the end of the battle round, allocate D3 damage points to each enemy fighter within 3" of this fighter (roll for each fighter).
Knight of Justice
To this knight, the law is an unbreakable sword to wield in the defence of the weak and the innocent. No trespass shall go unpunished, no slight unavenged.
Add 2 to the Attacks characteristic of melee attack actions made by this fighter if the target has used an ability in the same battle round.
Knight of Chivalry
This knight follows the code of chivalry as if it were carved into their very soul. Though their actions may look odd to those who do not understand the code, their power and might is unquestionable.
After this fighter's activation, if they made at least two different actions, roll a dice. On a roll of 3 or more, you gain 1 additional wild dice that you can use from the start of the next initiative phase.
Knight of the Sword
It is said that when this knight first picked up a blade, a clarion call resounded throughout the land to herald the birth of a great champion of the realm.
After this fighter makes their second attack action in the same activation, they can make a bonus move action or a bonus attack action.
Knight of the Lance
On the tourney field this warrior has few equals, for they are dauntless in their skill, charging into battle with a sure-footed swiftness that is the envy of all who behold it.
Add 3 to the Move characteristic of this fighter. Add 1 to the damage points allocated by each critical hit from melee attack actions made by this fighter in an activation in which they made any move actions.

Quest Battleplan: Slay the Thief, Seize the Prize

The vile thief has been tracked down and is within your grasp. However, no fool are they; the scoundrel has laid an ambush, clearly desperate to keep the treasure they stole. You must survive their treacherous strike and retrieve the relic.

Attacker And Defender

In this battle, the questing player is the attacker and the adversary player is the defender.


Set up terrain as normal.


Use the deployment map below. The defender is blue and the attacker is red.


The battle ends after 4 battle rounds. At the end of the battle, if one of the attacking fighters is carrying treasure, the attacker wins. Otherwise, the defender wins.

Twist — Priceless ‘Treasure'

None know why these ghouls adore this particular piece of filth-covered gristle and bone. You have wisely used it to lure them into an ambush.

The defender must pick 1 fighter in their Shield. That fighter is carrying treasure. No other defending fighter can carry treasure.

The Adversary Player

The adversary player receives the following bonus in the aftermath sequence:

Renown to be Earned: The adversary player adds 1 to each renown roll they make in this aftermath sequence.

The Trials of Knighthood

Alas! Your party has fallen foul of a witch's curse, one that threatens to turn you all into mindless beasts. One shudders to imagine it! Thankfully, by completing noble labours, you may convince the crane to lift the hex. With such deeds to your name, surely your lord will grant you lands of your own?

You must keep track of your warband's labours with a labour score. While embarked upon this quest, after the deployment step, you must pick 1 of the labours below. Each time you fulfil a labour's condition, add 1 to your labour score, You cannot pick the same labour more than once before this quest is completed.

Labour of Heroism: The enemy leader must be taken down by a melee attack action made by your leader.

Labour of Purity: Your leader must end each battle round wholly within a different table quarter, and you must win the battle.

Labour of Mercy: Your opponent must pick one of their fighters. That enemy fighter must not be targeted by any attack actions made by friendly fighters, and you must win the battle.

Labour of the Lance: Your opponent must pick one of their fighters. That fighter must be taken down by a melee attack action made by your leader.

While your labour score totals 3 or more, in step 4 of the aftermath sequence, you can complete this quest. If you do so, in step 5, you can relocate your warband's encampment to a ‘Hunting Encampment' (see below) and do not need to spend any glory to do so.

Encampment Location: Hunting Encampment

LocationLocation BonusPoints LimitReputation Modifier
Hunting Encampment
In the broken minds of the Beastflayers, this is a clean and orderly camp, resplendent with banners and hunting trophies. In reality it is a foetid, offal-strewn, odorous nightmare, with torn flaps of skin blowing in the wind as they hang from jutting bone spurs.
Add 1 to renown rolls you make for fighters from your warband with the Hero (Hero) runemark. In addition, in step 5 of the aftermath sequence, you can pick 1 fighter from your warband and send them forth to hunt some game. To do so, roll on the the table below.1150+3

Royal Beastflayers Lesser Artefacts

  D66  Result
11-16Return Empty-Handed
Your warrior returns with nothing of worth.
This result has no effect.
21-26Meagre Pickings
Your warrior returns with a few minor spoils, but nothing of great import.
[Reward] You receive D6 glory.
31-33Grisly Horn Of The Hunt
Carved from a large femur, this mighty horn summons many more ghouls to the hunt, each eager for the belly-filling spoils of battle.
[Consumable] The bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, pick 1 friendly fighter that does not have the Hero (Hero) runemark that has been taken down. You can set up that fighter once more on the battlefield, wholly within 3" of the bearer. They no longer count as being taken down and they have no damage points allocated to them. If they have not been taken down again by the end of the battle, do not make an injury roll for them.
34-36Pungent Healing Potion
By fracturing the skull of some small predator-beast, the ghouls can feast upon the delicious, sticky ‘delicacies' within.
[Consumable] The bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, remove up to 10 damage points allocated to them.
41-43Squishy Orb 0f Wisdom
An eyeball plucked from the skull of a Vulcharc can grant great wisdom to those insane enough to devour it.
[Consumable] The bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, roll six dice. For each roll of 6, you gain 1 additional wild dice that can be used from the start of the next initiative phase.
44-46Sacred Longblade
In reality just an arm torn from a heavily armoured corpse, when this ‘sword' is used to bludgeon a foe enthusiastically, the remnants of the armour can inflict some pretty impressive results before it disintegrates entirely.
[Perishable] Add 2 to the damage points allocated by the first critical hit from each melee attack action made by the bearer each activation.
51-53Protective Salve
When smeared all over the body, the hideous smell that emanates from this ‘holy oil' penetrates even the rancid musk clinging to the ghouls, causing nearby enemies to empty their stomachs in revulsion.
[Consumable] The bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, until the end of the battle, subtract 1 from the Toughness characteristic of enemy fighters (to a minimum of 1) while they are within 1" of the bearer.
54-56Cape of Heroism
What is infact a pelt mantle marked with fell runes is, to the Beastflayers, a glorious red cloak, enchanted to steal vitality from odious adversaries.
[Perishable] Subtract 1 from the Strength characteristic (to a minimum of 1) of attack actions made by enemy fighters while they are within 3" of the bearer.
61-62Holy Lance
A long spur of ribcage torn from the corpse of a huge beast and heavily splintered at the pointy end, this ‘lance' has great reach.
[Perishable] Add 1 to the Range characteristic of melee attack actions made by the bearer (to a maximum of 3).
63-64Helm Of The Righteous
This shining helm is surely blessed with protective magic! Or, perhaps, the heavy rotting skull simply takes longer for an enemy blade to cleave through.
[Perishable] Add 2 to the bearer's Wounds characteristic.
65-66Lucky Find
The forager discovers an ancient treasure trove, and greedily claims the best pieces before heading back to the encampment.
[Reward] Immediately roll on the Relics of the Realm table; you receive that artefact of power.