The Purge of Anvilgard
It is the final weeks before the fall of Anvilgard, and a wave of terror has consumed the city. A spate of gruesome murders has left panic and paranoia in its wake but there are few answers, and while open insurrection has not yet spilled out onto the streets, danger lurks in every shadow. Keiser Ven Brecht, a Lord-Veritant of the Anvils of Heldenhammer, have been tasked with bringing to justice those who would threaten the City of Scales. It is a race against time, for the city's armies - including even the Stormcast Eternals - are already stretched to breaking point, and an uprising from within could spell disaster...
Narrative Campaign
This is a narrative campaign for 2 players: one takes the role of Ven Brecht and the other the Blackscale Coil, the shadowy organisation that plots the downfall of Anvilgard. The campaign will typically last for 3 or 4 battles as Ven Brecht uncover clues as to the identity and whereabouts of the Blackscale Coil and then confronts one of its crimelords in battle. This narrative campaign explores the events of Broken Realms: Morathi, and makes for a perfect evening or weekend's worth of gaming.
Getting Ready
Ven Brecht has been given authority to recruit any warriors he wishes to his cause. The Ven Brecht player musters a warband following these guidelines:
- All fighters in the warband must share 1 of the following faction runemarks:
- Cities of Sigmar-Anvilgard (-)
- Stormcast Eternals: Warrior Chamber ()
- Stormcast Eternals: Sacrosanct Chamber ()
- Stormcast Eternals: Vanguard Auxiliary Chamber ()
- 1,000 points' worth of fighters can be added to the warband.
- If any allies are included in the warband, they must be drawn from the above factions. In addition, the wairband includes Ven Brecht as its leader. Ven Brecht does not cost any points and has his own fighter card and abilities as shown below.
Stormcast Eternals Thunderstrike Chamber is a reasonalbe addition to this list (they were not released when this was written).
The Blackscale Coil player does not muster a warband to begin with. Instead, They are free to pick a different warband for each battle fought in the campaign, as explained later. Before the campaign can begin, the Blackscale Coil player must choose how to divide the assets of the Coil. There are 4 locations in the campaign: Bleakscale Harbour, the Gullies, the Ironweld Towers and the Undertunnels. The Blackscale Coil player picks 1 of these locations to hold major assets, 2 others to hold minor assets and the last to be the decoy that holds an ambush instead! The location of the assets must be recorded and kept secret (note that a cunning player might look below to see what sort of battles are fought at each location and assign the Coil's assets accordingly).
Blackscale Coil Assets
Major Assets | Minor Assets | Decoy |
The Blackscale Coil player musters a warband of 1,200 points. After the battle, Ven Brecht uncovers 4 clues. | The Blackscale Coil player musters a warband of 1,000 points. After the battle, Ven Brecht uncovers 2 clues. | The Blackscale Coil player musters a warband of 1,000 points. The Isolated victory card is used for the battle in this location. The Blackscale Coil player is the attacker. |
Fighting Campaign Battles
Once the above steps are completed, the campaign is ready to begin. Fight each campaign battle as follows:
- The Ven Brecht player chooses 1 of the 4 locations to search. Each location can only be searched once during the campaign.
- The Blackscale Coil player musters a warband that consists of fighters with the Cities of Sigmar - Anvilgard faction runemark () to a size determined by the assets that the location holds (see above). The warband can also include 1 Scourgerunner Charriot (see below), 1 Hydra or Kharibdyss, any number of allies with the Daughters of Khaine faction runemark () and any number of allies with the Khainite Shadowstalkers faction runemark ().
- Battle groups are assigned as normal.
- A player rolls on the victory table for the location to determine which victory card is in play (unless the location is the decoy: see above).
- The Blackscale Coil player sets up the terrain: we recommend lots of ruins and buildings to resemble the cramped streets of Anvilgard.
- 3 deployment cards are drawn. Each plarer discards 1 of them, starting with the Ven Brecht player - the remaining card is the one that is used. The Ven Brecht player chooses which player uses which deployment colour and orientates the deployment card.
- Any instructions on the victory card and twist card are carried out.
- The battle begins.
The Aftermath Sequence
There is no aftermath sequence for the Blackscale Coil player (any fighters taken down are considered slain or imprisoned by Ven Brecht).
The Ven Brecht player uses a different aftermath sequence as follows:
- Ven Brecht uncovers a number of clues determined by which assets the location of the battlefield (see above).
- If Ven Brecht's warband earned a victory, Ven Brecht uncovers an extra D3 clues.
- Ven Brecht uncovers 1 extra clue for each monster, Scourgerunner Chariot and ally included in the Blackscale Coil warband that was taken down.
- Lastly, roll a dice for each other fighter in the Blackscale Coil warband that was taken down. For each 6, Ven Brecht uncovers 1 extra clue whilst interrogating them within the confines of the Black Nexus.
The Ven Brecht player makes injury rolls and
destinyrenown rolls as normal. -
Both players make 1 search roll on the lesser artefacts table - if the Blackscale Coil player receives an artefact, they do not need to give it to a fighter until they muster their warband for the next battle.
No other steps are taken, including adding and removing fighters for Vern Brecht's warband. If a fighter in Ven Brecht's warband is slain, he must continue without them - there is no time to muster reinforcements!
The Final Battle
Once Ven Brecht has uncovered 10 or more clues, he can confront one of the Blackscale Coil's crimelords (on average, it will take 2 or 3 battles to uncover enough clues). When Ven Brecht decides to confront the Blackscale Coil crimelord, the 'Merciless Justice' battleplan is fought. This is the final battle of the campaign and its outcome will determine who is declared the winner of the campaign. If, after all 4 locations have been searched, Ven Brecht bas failed to uncover 10 or more clues, the campaign immediately ends and the Blackscale Coil player is the winner.
Continuing The Narrative
Whether or not Ven Brecht delivers justice unto the Blackscale Coil's crimelord, in the wake of this campaign he takes his findings to the high conclave of Anvilgard - just in time for Morathi's arrival in the city! After playing through this Warcry narrative campaign, ff you wish to continue Ven Brecht's story, you can find 2 battleplans for Warhammer Age of Sigmar in Broken Realms: Morathi that follow on from these events: 'The Undertunnels' and 'The Fall of Anvilgard'.
Keiser Ven Brecht

Keiser Ven Brecht Abilities |
[Double] Scour For Corruption: Pick 1 enemy fighter within 1" of this fighter and roll a dice. To the score of that roll, add the value of this ability and add the number of damage points allocated to that enemy fighter. If the total exceeds the Wounds characteristic of that enemy fighter, Ven Brecht immediately uncovers 1 extra clue. The same enemy fighter cannot be targeted by this ability more than once per battle. |
[Triple] Lantern of Abjuration: Until the end of the battle round, subtract 1 from the value of abilities (to a minimum of 1) used by enemy fighters while they are within 9" of this fighter. |
Scourgerunner Chariot

Scourgerunner Chariot Ability |
[Triple] Plough Through: Until the end of this fighter's activation, the next time this fighter makes a move action, it can move through fighters, but it cannot end its move on any fighters. At the end of that move action, allocate 2D6 damage points to each fighter it moved through. |
The City of Scales
Bleakscale Harbour
Always a nefarious hive of underhand dealings and black-market trade, Bleakscale Harbour has seen an even greater number of murders than usual over the past weeks. Some are no doubt connected to the dark plot that threatens the city. Ven Brecht has learned of several warehouses by the docks whose ownership is missing from the city's record of tithes. It's time to kick down the door and learn what secrets are held within.
Victory: Roll a D3. The Ven Brecht player is the attacker.
D3 | Victory condition |
1 | The Raid |
2 | Defend the Find |
3 | Hold Our Gains |
Twist: Deluge
The Gullies
The dilapidated slums of Anvilgard's tumbledown districts – known locally as the Gullies – are known to be dangerous even to hardened troopers of the city's Freeguild. Bring some of the gangs that run rackets in these parts to justice, and put the survivors to interrogation. One of these criminals must know something of importance.
Victory: Roll a D3.
D3 | Victory condition |
1 | Shock And Awe |
2 | Dominate |
3 | Vanquish |
Twist: Eerie Silence
The Ironweld Towers
On the outskirts of Anvilgard rise vast watchtowers of the Ironweld that spew billowing clouds of noxious gases to keep the encroaching jungles beyond at bay. The obscuring miasma of chemical mist that hangs over the area would make a fine location to keep something hidden. Seek out any answers it holds.
Victory: Roll a D3.
D3 | Victory condition |
1 | No Mercy |
2 | Higher Ground |
3 | Vantage Point |
Twist: ‘Billowing Vapour Clouds': No ability or attack action can be used to target an enemy fighter more than 4" away this battle.
The Undertunnels
The ancient sewers of Anvilgard run labyrinthine beneath its surface, a tangle of duardin-crafted stoneworks whose secrets are known only to a rare few. Bands of smugglers and other vagrant criminals are said to run their operations down here. Put an end to their schemes and unmask anything lurking below.
Victory: Roll a D3.
D3 | Victory condition |
1 | No Quarter |
2 | Raze |
3 | Hunt For Glory |
Twist: Foreboding Location
Battleplan: Merciless Justice
Over the past few weeks, Ven Brecht has been stamping out an insidious plot that has taken root in the shadows of Anvilgard. Every clue points to the same culprits: the Blackscale Coil. While the true leaders of the Coil are still masked in mystery, Ven Brecht has uncovered the identity and whereabouts of one of its many crimelords, a Black Ark Fleetmaster by the name of Thalos the Cruel. Ven Brecht now marches on Thalos' hideout in Bleakscale Harbour with his Black Watch retinue at his side, ready to deliver swift and terminal justice to those who have sought to undermine the God-King's rule in Anvilgard. Though for all the Lord-Veritant's power, it would be wise to approach with caution. Those of the Blackscale Coil are adept at lies and subterfuge, and no doubt this crimelord has treacherous machinations in place to help him escape justice. Blades are drawn; it's time for the final battle of this campaign to begin!
Overwhelming Conviction
Before the warbands are mustered, for each clue beyond 10 that Ven Brecht has uncovered, the Ven Brecht player can choose 1 of the following rewards: 1 additional wild dice, or 1 additional roll on the Lesser Artefacts table. For example, if Ven Brecht has uncovered 12 clues, the player can choose 2 rewards. This represents Ven Brecht being better prepared the more he has discovered about the Blackscale Coil!
Blackscale Coil Warband
The Blackscale Coil player musters a warband of 1000 points following the same guidelines in the ‘Fighting Campaign Battles' section above. In addition, the warband includes the Crimelord of the Coil as its leader. This fighter does not cost any points and has its own fighter card and abilities as shown below. The Crimelord of the Coil must be placed into the Shield battle group.
The Blackscale Coil player sets up the terrain to resemble the crimelord's hideout. The Ven Brecht player chooses how the deployment card orientates with the battlefield.
See the map below. The Ven Brecht player uses the blue deployment points.
A player wins the battle as soon as their opponent's leader is taken down. Alternatively, if the Crimelord of the Coil starts their activation within 1" of a battlefield edge and is not within 1" of any enemy fighters, they make their escape and the Blackscale Coil player wins.
Thick fog covers the battlefield. No ability or attack action can be used to target an enemy fighter more than 4" away this battle. At the start of the second and each subsequent battle round, a player rolls a dice. If the score is less than the number of the current battle round, the fog clears and this twist no longer affects the battle.
Crimelord of the Coil

Blackscale Coil Crimelord Ability |
[Double] Murderous Swashbuckler: Add half the value of this ability (rounding up) to the Attacks characteristic of the next attack action made by this fighter. |