Kruleboyz Monsta-Killaz
Released: October 2023.
The lanky and sadistic orruks known as Kruleboyz love few things more than leashing monstrous beasts of the wilds to their will and turning them into deadly weap. ons of war. To capture these predators, they send forth gangs of cunning Monsta-killaz who employ every underhanded method imaginable to secure their quarry.
FAQ Update 09/05/24
- Change to the Saw 'Em Up ability.
Runemark | Reaction |
Krule Trap: After an enemy fighter within 6" of this fighter ends a move action, roll a dice. On a roll of a 5+, pick one: that enemy fighter cannot make move actions for the rest of the battle round, or allocate 4 damage points to that enemy fighter. Otherwise, allocate 2 damage points to that enemy fighter. |
Runemark | Ability |
[Double] Krule Taunt: Pick an enemy fighter that is within a number of inches of this fighter equal to the value of this ability. Until the end of the battle round, subtract 2 from the damage points allocated by each hit and critical hit (to a minimum of 1) from attack actions made by the chosen fighter, unless those attack actions target this fighter. | |
[Double] Rip It Out: After the next attack action that has the Spear () or Ranged Weapon () runemark made by this fighter in this activation, if it scored 1 or more hits, allocate a number of damage points to the target of that attack action equal to the value of this ability. | |
[Double] Krule Stabbin': Until the end of this fighter's activation, add 1 to the damage points allocated by each hit and critical hit from melee attack actions made by this fighter that target an enemy fighter that has 5 or more damage points allocated to them. | |
[Triple] Saw 'Em Up: Pick a visible enemy fighter within 2" of this fighter and roll a number of dice equal to the value of this ability (to a minimum of 2). Make a single group of 2 or more dice in consecutive numerical order (e.g. 2, 3, 4), excluding duplicates. Then allocate 3 damage points to the chosen f ighter for each dice in that group. | |
[Triple] Drum and Holler: Until the end of the battle round, enemy fighters within 6" of this fighter cannot make reactions. | |
[Quad] Nasty Muggin': Pick an enemy fighter within 1" of this fighter. Each friendly fighter with the Kruleboyz Monsta-killaz () runemark within 3" of that enemy fighter can make one bonus attack action that must target that enemy fighter. |
Fighter Profiles
The Kruleboyz Monsta-Killaz box contains:
- 1x Beastnob
- 1x Bawla Boy, who can be armed with a stabba or flogga
- 1x Klutcha-grot
- 2x Neckslicers, who can each be armed with a bonehakka or beaststikka harpoon
- 1x Neckslicer, who can be armed with a smasha or beaststikka harpoon
- 2x Gnarlwood Howlaz