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Gorger Mawpack Quests

The Butcher's Bidding

Ogor Butchers are figures of awe to the desperate individuals of a Gorger Mawpack, for their gastromancy. the only thing that can reduce the agony of the Empty Belly curse. Butchers can therefore press a Mawpack into service with the promise of rewards that will reduce the misery of their existence.

Pick 1 artefact of power from the Butcher's Bounty table (see below) and note it in your quest log. You cannot pick an artefact of power already borne by a fighter in your warband.

While embarked upon this quest, you must keep track of the offerings made by your warband to a local Butcher with an offering score.

Add 1 to your offering score each time a friendly fighter's melee attack action takes down an enemy fighter that has a lesser artefact and/or an artefact of power.

At the end of a battle, add 1 to your offering score for each objective you control and for each friendly fighter that is carrying treasure.

You can complete this quest once your offering score is 4 or more. When you complete this quest, you obtain the artefact of power that was noted in your quest log.

Butcher's Bounty Table

Curse Binding
This bandage all but blinds the wearer, allowing the will of the Butcher to drive them despite the morsels that surround hem.
Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, they make a bonus disengage action.
Draketooth Axe
_Crafted from the tooth of a particularly impressive creature, this axe allows the bearer to take even greater chunks out o their prey. _
Add 2 to the damage points allocated to enemy fighters by each critical hit from melee attack actions made by the bearer.
Fanged Collar
The Butcher has imbued this collar with a measure of their will, and as such the wearer is not ruled quite so strictly by their hunger.
Gain 1 additional wild dice at the start of the first battle round if the bearer is on the battlefield. In addition the bearer loses the Beast (Beast) runemark and cannot gain it even if they use the Starving Rampage ability.
Foehide Cloak
This ragged trophy is empowered with magic that wards he wearer - a dubious kindness for wretches such as Gorgers.
Add 1 to the Toughness characteristic of the bearer.
Gnarlhorn Talisman
Though the bearer isn't aware of it, the magic instilled in the artefact drives their hunger beyond even what is endurable to most Gorgers.
The bearer cannot make reactions. Add 2 to the Attacks characteristics of melee attack actions made by the bearer if the target fighter has 5 or more damage points allocated to them.
Tusk Crown
This mark of the Butcher's favour is imbued with an enchantment that gives the bearer command other Gorgers - at least for a time.
Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, they use the ‘Inspiring Presence' ability without needing or spending any ability dice.

Slaughtermaster's Blessing

Greatest of the Butchers are the Slaughtermasters, savants of gastromancy who are capable of fundamentally changing a Gorger's fate... should they feel so inclined. A Clawback who makes many great sacrifices to the Gulping God may be lucky enough to be rewarded with a blessing that remakes them.

Pick a Clawback in your warband that can gain a heroic trait and note them in your quest log.

While embarked upon this quest, you must keep track of the sacrifices made by your Clawback to the Gulping God with a sacrifice score.

At the start of the first battle round in each battle, you must pick a point on the battlefield floor or on a terrain feature to be one of the many mouths of the Gulping God (the centre of a Mawpit terrain feature is ideal). Place a token on that point. Add 1 to your sacrifice score each time an enemy fighter is taken down within 4” of the mouth.

After a battle, add 1 to your sacrifice score if the leader of your opponent's warband was taken down.

You can complete this quest once your sacrifice score is 4 or more. When you complete this quest, you can give your Clawback one of the heroic traits from the Gorger Mawpack Heroic Traits below.

Gorger Mawpack Heroic Traits

Heroic Trait
Acidic Drool
The rancid strings of drool that drip from this creature's mouth are caustic enough to eat through sigmarite.
Add 1 to the Strength characteristic of melee attack actions made by this fighter.
Bottomless Stomach
There is nothing this fighter cannot swallow.
Do not subtract 2 from this fighter's Move characteristic when they begin a move action carrying treasure. This fighter can carry any number of treasure tokens and can make disengage actions while carrying treasure. This fighter cannot drop treasures (even if they gain the Beast (Beast) runemark) except when they are taken down.
Eye of the Storm
This Clawback has found a place of astonishing clarity in the darkest reaches of starvation.
While this fighter is on the battlefield, after the initiative phase, add one wild dice to your saved wild dice if you have no saved wild dice.
Hollow Roar
When this Clawback gives voice to their hunger and anguish, the ground itself trembles in horror.
Once per battle, this fighter can use this heroic trait as a bonus action. If they do so, pick 1 terrain feature within 6” of them. Each fighter on that terrain feature that is within ½” of the edge of an open platform must make a falling test, and then each fighter on the battlefield floor within 2” of that terrain feature suffers impact damage.
Overwhelming Hunger
This creature's hunger radiates from them in crippling waves, driving others mad enough to tear flesh from bone with their bare teeth.
While this fighter has 5 or more damage points allocated to them. enemy fighters within 3” of this fighter cannot make disengage actions or missile actions.
Unstoppable Charge
To get in this Clawback's way is to try to stop an avalanche... an avalanche that wants to eat you.
When this fighter finishes a move action within 1” of an enemy fighter, pick a visible enemy fighter within 1" of this fighter. Allocate 5 damage points to that enemy fighter.

Making A Midden

Should a Gorger Mawpack survive long enough, they will eventually begin fashioning a midden where they can lurk while they nurse their monstrous hunger. A midden is a stinking cave within an oozing heap fashioned from rotting flesh, scraps of bone and discarded weapons and armour from the Gorgers' countless victims. Some Mawpacks surround their middens with crude totems honouring the Gulping God, in the hope that, in their lair, they might find some relief from their deity's hunger.

While embarked upon this quest, you must keep track of the size of your Mawpack's midden with a leftovers score. Each time a friendly fighter's melee attack action takes down an enemy fighter, roll 3 dice. If the total is less than that enemy fighter's Wounds characteristic, add 1 to your leftovers score.

After a battle, add 1 to your leftovers score if half or more of the fighters in your opponent's warband were taken down. While your leftovers score totals 6 or more, you can fight battles using the 'Cleaning Up' quest battleplan. If you do so and you win the battle, in step 4 of the aftermath sequence, you can complete this quest. If you do so, in step 5, you can relocate your warband's encampment to an 'Oozing Midden' (see below) and do not need to spend any glory to do so.


Quest Battleplan: Cleaning Up

The Gorgers' midden is all but fashioned and adorned with totems in honour of the Gulping God. Unless their enemies can somehow contrive to scatter and tear down these grim fetishes, the Gorgers will gain a foothold that will allow them to raid with impunity for some time to come.

Attacker And Defender

In this battle, the questing player is the defender and the adversary player is the attacker.


Set up terrain as normal.


Use the deployment map below. The defender is blue and the attacker is red.


After deployment, the defender places 6 objectives anywhere on the battlefield floor or on a platform, each more than 6" from all other objectives and more than 3" from the battlefield edge.

At the end of each battle round, the attacker removes each objective they control from the battlefield.

The battle ends after 4 battle rounds, or when 4 objectives have been removed from the battlefield. When the battle ends, if 4 or more objectives have been removed from the battlefield, the attacker wins. Otherwise, the defender wins.


Determine a twist as normal.

The Aftermath Sequence

The adversary player receives the following bonus in the aftermath sequence:

Renown to be Earned: The adversary player adds 1 to each renown roll they make in this aftermath sequence.

Encampment Location: Oozing Midden

LocationLocation BonusPoints LimitReputation Modifier
Oozing Midden
This stinking pile of half-devoured corpses and discarded wargear provides shelter for a Gorger Mawpack, a place to lick their wounds and perhaps come across something of worth between mouthfuls
Add 1 to renown rolls you make for fighters from your warband with the Hero (Hero) runemark. In addition, in step 5 of the aftermath sequence, you can pick 1 fighter from your warband and send them forth to root through the refuse. To do so, roll on the the table below.1150+3

Gorger Mawpack Lesser Artefacts table

  D66  Result
11-16Return Empty-Bellied
Your fighter returns with nothing but a gnawing emptiness.
This result has no effect.
21-26Half-Eaten Innards
After a bit of sniffing around, your fighter finds remains that may curry favour with a Butcher.
[Reward] You receive D6 glory.
31-33Bone Darts
_These jagged leftovers are great for taking a bite out of someone from range. _
[Consumable] The bearer can use this lesser artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, pick a visible enemy fighter within 8" of them and roll a dice. On a roll of 5+ allocate 3 damage points to that enemy fighter.
34-36Scavenged Binding
_The Gorger returns with one limb bound with material found in the midden, perhaps attributing some ritualistic significance to it. _
[Perishable] When the bearer uses the 'Respite' ability, add 2 to the value of that ability, to a maximum of 6.
41-43Waning Blessing
Your fighter followed the smell of gastromancy to this artefact, which, though all but exhausted, still contains a morsel of magic.
[Perishable] In the hit roll for the bearer's first melee attack action in a battle, I miss is counted as a hit instead.
44-46Extra Teeth
Plucked from a beast's skeleton and hammered into the jaw, these fangs augment the Gorger's already horrific maw.
[Perishable] Add 1 to the damage points allocated by each critical hit from melee attack actions made by the bearer.
51-53Smouldering Heart
Found within a decaying Magmadroth, this glowing organ grants great strength when consumed, as long as the eater can survive the internal burns.
The bearer can use this lesser artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, allocate D6 damage points to the bearer, and until the end of their activation, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of melee attack actions made by the bearer.
54-56Sparking Relic
The purpose of this relic is unknown, and clearly its original bearer came to a sorry end. When handed this enigma, a Gorger is likely to have one response.
[Consumable] The bearer can use this lesser artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, pick one:
  • Add one wild dice to your saved wild dice.
  • Until the end of their activation, the bearer can use a [double] for an ability that requires a [triple].
61-62Brace Of Zephyrfowl
A chance encounter with a benevolent Butcher means that your fighter returns with a gastromantic meal to make them even faster.
[Perishable] Add 1 to the Move characteristic of the bearer.
63-64Mark Of The Gulping God
A Butcher follows the Gorger back to the midden, and absent-mindedly brands a fighter with a mark that increases their connection to the Gulping God.
[Perishable] Add 1 to the Strength characteristic of melee attack actions made by the bearer.
65-66Something Crunchy
While chomping on their find, the Gorger finds the texture a little strange.
[Reward] You receive D6 glory, then roll on this table again.