Jade Obelisk Quests
Source: Stealth and Stone (out of print)
The Path of Splintered Limbs
The forbidding forest of the Gnarlwood forms a natural barrier between Talaxis and the outside world, and it is this defence that the Jade Obelisk must breach in order to reach the sacred ruins.
Pick 1 artefact of power from the Marvels of Jade table (see below) and note it in your quest log. You cannot pick an artefact of power already borne by a fighter in your warband.
While embarked upon this quest, you must keep track of how deeply your warband has breached the defences of the Gnarlwood, represented by a breaching score. Add 1 to your breaching score each time an enemy fighter is taken down in an activation in which the attacker used the 'Hammering Strikes' or the 'Rock-shattering Blow' ability. In addition, in step 4 of a campaign battle's aftermath sequence. add 2 to your breaching score if you won the battle. Furthermore, in that step, you can pick 1 fighter in your warband and send them forth to carve a path. If you do so, roll a dice and add the score rolled to your breaching score. On a 1, that fighter is also attacked by something within the Gnarlwood. Make an injury roll for that fighter.
You can complete this quest in step 4 of a campaign battle's aftermath sequence if your breaching score is 12 or more. When you complete this quest, you obtain the artefact of power noted in your quest log.
Marvels of Jade table
Artefact |
Jade Plate The stones that make up this warrior's armour have been replaced by holy jade of the purest order. When the bearer makes the 'Curse of Jade' reaction, subtract 2 from the damage points allocated by each hit and critical hit from that attack action instead of 1. |
Phial of Petrification This dangerous philtre can temporarily mutate the warrior almost completely into jade, affording them great defensive powers but at a steep cost. Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. Until the end of the battle, add 2 to the Toughness characteristic and add 5 to the Wounds characteristic of the bearer. However, the bearer cannot make move actions this battle. In addition, until the end of the battle, if the bearer falls, do not roll to see if they suffer impact damage. Instead, allocate 3 damage points to the bearer. |
Ward of the Jade Raptor This large disc turns nearby enemy weapons to stone, making them difficult to wield. When the bearer makes the 'Curse of Jade' reaction. they can invoke the Jade Raptor. If they do so, subtract 3 from the damage points allocated by each hit from that attack action instead of 1, but do not subtract 1 from the damage points allocated by each critical hit. |
The Burrowing Mask This mask eventually burrows beneath the bearer's skin to become subcutaneous, their agonised features replaced by a mouthless visage. Despite this is, it is still sought after for its boundless power. Add 2 to the Move characteristic of the bearer and add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of melee attack actions made by the bearer. However, the bearer cannot use abilities. ln addition, each time an injury roll is made for the bearer, roll twice and apply both results. |
Jade Totem Rumoured to be carved from the beak of a disgraced Herald of Tzeentch, this engraved bird skull causes the bearer's weapons to warp solid objects and liquefy stone, rendering most defences obsolete. Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. Until the end of their activation, each time the bearer makes a melee attack action, before the hit rolls are made, subtract 3 from the Toughness characteristic of the target fighter (to a minimum of 1) until the end of that activation. |
Nephric Shard A fragment of the monument of Nephricar itself, this innocuous splinter of jade allows the bearer to channel the powers of the obelisk even at great distances. The bearer can use the 'Stonewarp' ability even if they are not within 9" of a visible friendly fighter with the Jade Obelisk () and Icon Bearer () runemarks. In addition, when a friendly fighter uses the 'Might of the Speaker' ability, the bearer can be picked even if they are not within range of that fighter and/or visible. |
Behold the Obelisk
Worthy souls sacrificed in the name of the Speaker in the Stone have their bodies turned to jade, which are then carved into weapons and armour to further empower the cult. Great respect is afforded to those who seek out and find such souls to sacrifice, and those who can fell such mighty warriors are held in even higher regard. Cult legend tells that if a warlord of incredible power is sacrificed, their body will yield a jade so pure that the weapons and armour forged from it shall be the most potent the Mortal Realms have ever seen.
Pick a fighter with the Hero () runemark in your warband that can gain a heroic trait, and note them in your quest log.
While embarked upon this quest, in step 4 of a campaign battle's aftermath sequence, you can complete this quest if 1 or more enemy fighters with the Hero () runemark and/or a Wounds characteristic of 20 or more were taken down in that battle by an attack action made by the fighter noted in your quest log.
When you complete this quest, you can give that fighter one of the heroic traits from the Jade Obelisk Heroic Traits table below.
Jade Obelisk Heroic Traits
Heroic Trait |
Craftsman's Eye This fighter has spent years carving jade and flesh alike, and they can assess the intrinsic weakness of any foe or barricade set in their path. Add 1 to the damage points allocated by each critical hit from melee attack actions made by this fighter. |
Jade Zealot This fighter sees visions of a future where giant obelisks dominate the land, floating throughout the realm to cause great upheaval and discord. Whether these visions are prophetic in nature or simply the product of a deranged mind is impossible to know. If this fighter ends their activation more than 9" from a friendly fighter with the Jade Obelisk () and Icon Bearer () runemarks, they can make a bonus move action. After that bonus move action, this fighter must be within 9" of a friendly lighter with the Jade Obelisk () and Icon Bearer () runemarks. |
Jade Sunderer This fighter can break through jade, rock and metal with equal ease. Timid flesh proves a feeble obstacle. Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of attack actions made by this fighter that target an enemy fighter with the Hero runemark () and/or a greater Wounds characteristic than this fighter. |
Totemic Invigoration This fighter is attuned to the might of the great monument of Nephricar; simple proximity to a Nephric Obelisk mends flesh and armour until no trace of any damage can be found. At the end of each battle round, if this fighter is within 9" of a friendly fighter with the Jade Obelisk () and Icon Bearer () runemarks, remove D3 damage points allocated to this fighter. |
Determined Iconoclast There are no lengths to which this fighter will not go in order to commit the greatest acts of vandalism upon enemy sigils and icons of worship. At the end of this fighter's activation, they can make a bonus move action. That bonus move action must end within 3" of an objective, a treasure token or an enemy fighter with the Icon Bearer () runemark. |
Jade Monolith While a Nephric Obelisk is visible to them, this fighter's unwavering commitment to their pact makes them as unassailable and obstinate as solid rock. While this fighter is visible to a friendly lighter with the Jade Obelisk () and Icon Bearer () runemarks, if a fighter uses an ability that requires an enemy fighter to be picked, this fighter cannot be picked. |
Broken Faith
No icon of worship, pulpit, statue nor triptych survives the attention of the Jade Obelisk. The cult takes perverse pride in rendering each and every sigil they find into unrecognisable rubble - no exceptions.
While embarked upon this quest, you must keep track of your warband's iconoclasm with an iconoclast score. At the end of a campaign battle, add 1 to your iconoclast score:
- For each objective your warband controls.
- For each friendly fighter that is carrying treasure.
- For each enemy fighter with the Hero (), Champion () and/or Icon Bearer () runemarks that has been taken down.
- If a friendly fighter with the Jade Obelisk () and Icon Bearer () runemarks is on the battlefield.
When your iconoclast score totals 10 or more, you can fight battles using the 'Your Works Are Unmade' quest battleplan. If you do so and you win the battle, in step 4 of the aftermath sequence, you can complete this quest. If you do so, in step 5, you can relocate your warband's encampment to the 'Palace of Jade' (see below) and do not need to spend any glory to do so.
Quest Battleplan: Your Works are Unmade
The Jade Obelisk have happened across a site of worship for those insipid fools who have faith in gods other than the True Pantheon. Advancing relentlessly, they take great pains to defile each and every icon and idol they find as the defenders seek to drive them back.
Attacker And Defender
In this battle, the questing player is the attacker and the adversary player is the defender.
Set up terrain as normal.
Use the deployment map below. The defender is red and the attacker is blue.
Before the battle, place 4 objectives on the battlefield as shown on the map. For each objective controlled by the attacker at the end of the battle round, the attacker score 1 defilement point. In addition, fighters in the attacker's warband can use the following ability:
[Triple] Defiling Strike: Pick 1 objective within 1" of this fighter. Allocate 1 damage point to each enemy fighter within 3" of that objective. This ability can be used even if there are no enemy fighters within 3" of that objective.
After a fighter uses the 'Defiling Strike' ability, the attacker gains 2 defilement points.
The battle ends after 4 battle rounds. If the attacker has 12 or more defilement points, they win the battle. Otherwise, the defender wins.
Determine a twist as normal.
The Aftermath Sequence
The adversary player receives the following bonus in the aftermath sequence:
Renown to be Earned: The adversary player adds 1 to each renown roll they make in this aftermath sequence.
Encampment Location: Palace of Jade
Location | Location Bonus | Points Limit | Reputation Modifier |
Palace of Jade Not a palace but a place where exactly nine jade obelisks have been crafted and set in a great circle to corrupt the land nearby. This location is a haven for the Jade Obelisk. | Add 1 to renown rolls you make for fighters from your warband with the Hero () runemark. In addition, in step 5 of the aftermath sequence, you can pick 1 fighter from your warband and send them forth to seek treasure. To do so, roll on the the table below. | 1150 | +3 |
Jade Obelisk Lesser Artefacts
D66 | Result |
11-16 | Return Empty-Handed Your warrior returns with nothing of worth. This result has no effect. |
21-26 | Meagre Pickings Your warrior returns with minor spoils that can be sold or bartered for materials. [Reward] You receive D6 glory. |
31-33 | Defiled Sigil This twisted and ruined sigil of a lesser deity provides great comfort and motivation to the bearer. [Consumable] The bearer can use this lesser artefact as a bonus action only if they have not used an ability this activation. If they do so, the bearer can use a [double] ability with a value of 6 without needing or using any ability dice. |
34-36 | Jade Oil Smeared on weapons, arrows and even gloves, the warped condensation that forms on the surface of the warband's Nephric Obelisk is highly toxic. [Consumable] The bearer can use this lesser artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, count 1 miss from the next attack action made by the bearer this activation as a hit instead. |
41-43 | Mark Of The Idolarc The Idolarc that acts as a guide for your warband can be greatly empowered if obeisance is paid. [Consumable] The bearer can use this lesser artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, you can activate a friendly fighter with the Jade Obelisk () and Beast () runemarks immediately after the bearer's activation ends. |
44-46 | Jade Dagger Found at an old battle site, this jagged shard of jade is all that remains of a former Nephric Obelisk. It performs the job of a sacrificial dagger very well. [Perishable] The bearer can use this lesser artefact as a bonus action only if they have not used an ability this activation. If they do so, the bearer can use the 'Bloody Tribute' ability without needing the Priest () runemark. A [triple] is still required to use the ability. |
51-53 | Unblemished Jade Mask This mask is remarkably well made, with nary a crack or chip to mar its perfect surface. Cult members find themselves inspired by the impressive craftsmanship. [Perishable] Once per battle, if the bearer is on the battlefield, during the initiative phase, before you decide how to use your wild dice, pick 1 [double]. Change the value of those ability dice to 6. |
54-56 | Cache of Shattered Icons Your fighter finds and destroys many icons of other gods, placing the broken pieces In a sack. Handfuls of these besmirched relics can be hurled at the foe to horrify and enrage, should the enemy recognise them. [Consumable] The bearer can use this lesser artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, pick a visible enemy fighter within 3" of the bearer and roll a dice. On a 4-6, that fighter cannot be activated until each other fighter in that warband that can be activated has been activated. |
61-62 | Jadeweave Armour Every part of this suit of armour is made from jade harvested by the cult. The chain links and plates are hewn from the most honoured of fallen foes; even the thread is made from strings of enchanted molten jade. [Perishable] When the bearer is picked to activate, you can remove 1 damage point allocated to them. |
63-64 | Captured Hero Your fighter has rescued a valiant enemy hero found half-throttled by a gnarloak. They are dragged back to your encampment, where a jade oblivion awaits. Your fighter is granted formidable armour as a reward. [Perishable] Add 2 to the bearer's Wounds characteristic. |
65-66 | Lucky Find Your warrior discovers an ancient treasure trove and greedily claims the best pieces for themselves. [Reward] Immediately choose one item from ihe Marvels of Jade table; you receive that artefact of power. |