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Skaven Background Tables

Source: Warcry Tome of Champions 2019 (out of print)

Cunning and malevolent, the skaven seek to spread ruin and corruption wherever they go. This insidious race of vermin-men worships the foul god known as the Great Horned Rat, and their plots and schemes are truly diabolical in their complexity.

Every skaven is egotistical and self-absorbed to the extreme; each universally believes themselves to be the greatest being ever to live and that all their fellows must be destroyed. Organised into different clans, each specialising in a different method of death, these ratmen will take any opportunity to claw their way to the top of the pecking order. All skaven must constantly be on guard against their underlings, for though they are not brave, they are vicious opportunists – and the lands of the Eightpoints are a fine place to organise ‘accidents’ for their rivals.

Skaven Names

D10First NameD10Last Name
1Kretch1Slayer of Man-things
2Niritik2the Most-Favoured
3Ratch3Lord of the Lash
7Quirrik7the Swift and Cunning
9Gnarok9the Great Opportunist

Skaven Origins

1Suicide Mission: Your clan’s ruler has sent you on this mission thoroughly expecting you to fail.
2Realmstone Hunters: Your warband is searching for realmstone deposits to power the death-dealing contraptions of the Skryre clans.
3Plague Seekers: Your warband zealously hunts for ingredients to brew one of the Great Plagues.
4Killing Shadows: Your warriors are talented assassins, hunting down those marked for death.
5To Mould Monsters: At the command of your masters, your warband is looking for prime specimens to create new and terrible monsters.
6Natural-born Schemers: Your warriors are constantly looking for ways to undermine one another.

Skaven Leader Background

1Black Hunger: This warrior’s furious metabolism demands he constantly feed or otherwise perish.
2Warlock’s Favourite: This warrior has been ‘rewarded’ by the Skryre warlocks with new – and untested – inventions and weapons.
3The Withered Word: This warrior’s squeaking oratory inspires a form of courage in their minions.
4Shade of Murder: No wall or gatehouse can stop this warrior from reaching their prey.
5It’s Alive!: The mutated rat-beasts raised by this warrior are truly horrific examples of their kind.
6Vicious Fighter: This warrior is a surprisingly courageous fighter – for a skaven, at least.