No Duardin Left Behind
Though the Eightpoints are fraught with peril, still there are mortals of a scholarly persuasion who seek to study those corrupted lands. Many an aelven mage and human wizard have led ill-advised expeditions into the Bloodwind Spoil, only to meet a grisly end. Less well known is the Kharadron initiative in the lands of the Varanspire: in spite of its manifold dangers, particularly daring duardin travel to the Bloodwind Spoil to test all manner of innovative new devices.
Such is the case with Drong Grimbolsson. Equipped with a cutting-edge device for seeking out hidden aether-gold veins, the Aether-Khemist has travelled straight into the proverbial harkraken's maw. Grimbolsson's hirelings now ply the tormented skies in their vessel searching for him, but you must keep him alive long enough to facilitate this rescue. Aid him, and with grudging gratitude, he may offer you a technological reward.
Prerequisite: 2 dominated territories
Stake: 1 dominated territory
The Warbands
The Challenger and the Adversary each muster a warband with the following amendments:
- The Challenger must muster an Order warband, and all fighters in the Challenger warband must be chosen from the Challenger's warband roster.
- The Challenger warband also includes 1 Aether-Khemist (referred to as Drong Grimbolsson during this battle). This fighter is treated as an ally but is not added to the Challenger's warband roster.
- The adversaries must all have the same faction runemark.
- The combined points value of the fighters in the Challenger warband cannot exceed 1,250.
- The combined points value of the adversaries in the Adversary warband cannot exceed 1,500.
Special Rules
The Kharadron Frigate: In the reserve phase of the third battle round, after any reserve fighters have been set up, the Challenger sets up 1 Kharadron Frigate (see below) anywhere on the battlefield floor more than 5" from any enemy fighters. The Kharadron Frigate is added to the Challenger warband.
Kharadron Frigate

Terrain: Draw 3 terrain cards; the Adversary picks 1 of them to be in play.
Deployment: Defiant Stand
The Challenger warband uses the blue deployment points.
Victory: If Drong Grimbolsson is taken down, the Adversary wins the battle. Otherwise, at the end of the fifth battle round, the battle ends and the Challenger wins the battle.
Twist: Draw a twist card as normal.
The Spoils
If the Challenger wins the battle, they can choose 1 of the following spoils:
Treasure Hoard: See page 105.
Artefact of Power: The Challenger can give 1 fighter in their warband the following artefact of power:
Grimbolsson's Augmented Aetherseek Acquisitor: Resolving to stick to more tried-and-tested means of accruing wealth, Grimbolsson offers you his experimental device. Though it does little to seek out aether-gold, it may help you discover other great treasures. If the bearer is included in your warband, you can make 1 additional search roll on the lesser artefacts table (Core Book, pg 68-69) during the aftermath sequence of each campaign battle.