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Questor Soulsworn Quests

Source: Might and Madness (out of print)

Sigmar's Decree

The God-King, or one of his allies, has charged you with tasks of great importance. In order to push back the darkness blighting the realms, you must shoulder these labours no matter what form they take.

Pick 1 artefact of power from the Questor Artefacts table (see below) and note it in your quest log. You cannot pick an artefact of power already borne by a fighter in your warband.

While embarked upon this quest, you must keep track of how well your warband is enacting Sigmar's decree with a quest score. At the end of each battle, add 1 to your quest score if:

  • More enemy fighters have been taken down than friendly fighters.
  • Your warband controls one or more objectives.
  • The enemy leader has been taken down.
  • Two or more table quarters have no enemy fighters wholly within them.

In addition, in step 4 of the aftermath sequence, add 2 to your quest score if you won the battle.

You can complete this quest in step 4 of the aftermath sequence if your quest score is 10 or more. When you complete this quest, you obtain the artefact of power noted in your quest log.

Questor Artefacts

Blade of the High Star
This blade crackles with barely suppressed celestial energy.
After this fighter makes a melee attack action, if that action scored any hits or critical hits, allocate 5 damage points to the target.
Shield of the Heavens
At a command, this glittering halo emits a blinding radiance when evil draws near. After it has been used, it must be recharged by praying to Sigmar during a raging thunderstorm.
Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as a reaction after they are targeted by an attack action but before the hit rolls are made. If they do so, subtract 2 from the damage points allocated by each hit and critical hit (to a minimum of 1) from attack actions that target this fighter in that activation.
Reliquary of Sanctified Remains
The bones of martyrs remind the Soulsworn of those mortals who gave everything they had in the war against Chaos. How could immortals do any less?
Once per battle, if the bearer has been taken down and all other friendly fighters have been activated in the current battle round, you can set up the bearer once more on the battlefield, more than 3" from all enemy fighters. They no longer count as being taken down, and they have a number of damage points allocated to them equal to their Wounds characteristic minus 10. They cannot activate in this battle round. If the bearer has not been not taken down again by the end ofthe battle, do not make an injury roll for them.
Brand of the Victor
Only a Questor who has achieved some errantry mission in spectacular fashion will be entrusted to bear this holy sigil.
Once per battle, during their activation, this fighter can use a [double] or [triple] ability without needing or using any ability dice. The value of that ability is 3.
The Coruscating Amulet
Set with a jewel the colour of a midnight sky, this amulet wreathes the bearer's weapons in arcane energy that can be hurled at foes in detonations of celestial force.
Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, until the end of that activation, each of their melee weapons becomes a Blast (Blast) weapon with a Range characteristic of 3-15.
The Cloak of Constellations
The stars emblazoned upon this cloak empower the wearer in a variety of ways depending on their alignment.
Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, one of the following effects applies until the end of that activation:
  • If it is battle round 1, add 2 to the Move characteristic of the bearer.
  • If it is battle round 2, add 1 to the Move characteristic of the bearer and 1 to the Attacks characteristic of melee attack actions made by the bearer.
  • If it is battle round 3 or later, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of melee attack actions made by the bearer and 1 to the damage points allocated by each critical hit from melee attack actions made by the bearer.

Shared Visions

Questor Soulsworn are sent on critical missions inspired by visions delivered unto them by the mightiest lords of Azyr.

Pick a fighter in your warband that does not have the Beast runemark (Beast) and can gain a heroic trait, and note them in your quest log.

You must keep track of your Warband's efforts to achieve their task with a vision score.

While embarked upon this quest, after the deployment step, you must pick 1 of the visions below. Each time you fulfil a vision's condition, add 1 to your vision score. You cannot pick the same vision more than once before this quest is completed.

Vision of War: Each friendly fighter that was set up on the battlefield during the deployment step must make at least three attack actions during the battle.

Vision of Supremacy: Your opponent must pick 1 battlefield quarter. At the end of the battle, there must be more friendly fighters wholly within that table quarter than enemy fighters and you must have won the battle.

Vision of Cleansing: Half or more of the enemy warband must be taken down.

Vision of Righteousness: The enemy leader must be taken down by a melee attack action made by your leader.

Vision of Order: Your opponent must place an objective marker on the battlefield floor more than 6" from the battlefield edge. At the end of the battle, your warband must control that objective.

Vision of the High Star: At the end of the battle, there must be one or more friendly fighters on the battlefield's highest platform and you must have won the battle.

You can complete this quest in step 4 of the aftermath sequence if your vision score is 3 or more. If you do so, you can give the fighter you picked when you embarked on this quest one of the heroic traits from the Champion of Azyr table below. If you choose not to complete this quest until you have a vision score of 6, you can give that fighter 2 heroic traits from the Champion of Azyr table below. If that fighter cannot have 2 heroic traits, you gain D6 glory instead.

Champion of Azyr table

Heroic traits
Anointed of Azyr
This mighty Stormcast walks in the light of Sigmar, and evil cannot bear their presence.
Enemy fighters within 3" of this fighter cannot use abilities.
Driven Crusader
Every step this warrior takes is in service of ridding the Mortal Realms of darkness and ruin.
Add 2 the Attacks characteristic of melee attack actions made by this fighter if they have made any move actions in the same activation.
Guided by the Stars
The resonance of the spheres seems to envelop this warrior, occasionally guiding them to greater victories.
After this fighter is set up on the battlefield for the first time, roll 3 dice and place them to one side. Before this fighter makes an action or uses an ability, you can discard 1 of those dice to either i) gain a [double] with the same value as the dice, ii) improve one of your [doubles] that has the same value as the dice to a [triple], or iii) improve one of your [triples] that has the same value as the dice to a [quad]. The new [double], [triple] or [quad] must be used in this activation.
Hardened Soul
There are few forms of horror that this veteran warrior has not seen and bested.
Add 3 to the Strength characteristic of melee attack actions made by this fighter.
Marked by the Anvil
This fighter has been Reforged so many times that fear and pain have become dulled to them. In battle they simply rise again to fight, no matter how seriously they are wounded.
Subtract 1 from the damage points allocated by each hit and critical hit (to a minimum of 1) from attack actions that target this fighter.
Redeemed Soul
This hero carries the burden of being one of the Redeemed, a former Champion of Chaos who was struck down by Ghal Maraz itself. Though often mistrusted by their fellows, they are potent warriors all.
Add 1 to the Move characteristic and 1 to the Toughness characteristic of this fighter.


One of the many duties of the Stormcast Eternals is to return civilisation to the realms, and so bands of Soulsworn are sometimes dispatched to protect outposts established by the Dawnbringer Crusades.

While embarked upon this quest, you must keep track of the development of a nearby outpost with a construction score. Add 1 to your construction score:

  • Each time an enemy fighter is taken down within 1" of a terrain feature.
  • At the end of the battle round if your warband controls any objectives.
  • At the end of the battle round if any friendly fighters are carrying treasure.
  • At the end of the battle round if all friendly fighters are more than 3" from the battlefield edge.

In addition, in step 4 of the aftermath sequence, add 2 to your construction score if you won your last campaign battle. While your construction score totals 13 or more, you can fight battles using the ‘Dawnbringer Defence' quest battleplan below. If you do so and you win the battle, in step 4 of the aftermath sequence, you can complete this quest. If you do so, in step 5, you can relocate your warband's encampment to the ‘Dawnbringer Outpost' (see below) and do not need to spend any glory to do so.


Quest Battleplan: Dawnbringer Defense

Your stubborn defence of this outpost can be borne by your foes no longer, and now a mighty warlord has summoned a great horde to attack. Their numbers are without limit, and it is only a matter of time before your warband is overwhelmed. But you were created to shoulder such burdens; all that matters is to buy enough time for the Dawnbringers to marshal their forces.

Attacker And Defender

In this battle, the questing player is the defender and the adversary player is the attacker.


Set up terrain as normal.


Use the deployment map below. The defender is red and the attacker is blue.


The battle ends after 6 battle rounds. At the end of the battle, if there are 3 or more defending fighters within 3" of the centre of the battlefield, and half or more of the attacking fighters have been taken down, the defender wins. Otherwise the attacker wins.

Twist — Endless Horde

Each time an attacking fighter that does not have the Hero (Hero) runemark is taken down, the attacker sets up that fighter once more on the battlefield, within 3" of the battlefield edge. That fighter no longer counts as being taken down and they have no damage points allocated to them. Do not make an injury roll for that fighter unless they are taken down after the fourth battle round.

The Aftermath Sequence

The adversary player receives the following bonus in the aftermath sequence:

Renown to be Earned: The adversary player adds 1 to each renown roll they make in this aftermath sequence.

Encampment Location: Dawnbringer Outpost

LocationLocation BonusPoints LimitReputation Modifier
Dawnbringer Outpost
While a full crusade could never triumph within the Gnarlwood, a handful of mortal forces have managed to establish small bases within the forest. While these stand, the Questors have places where they can recuperate between battles.
Add 1 to renown rolls you make for fighters from your warband with the Hero (Hero) runemark. In addition, in step 5 of the aftermath sequence, you can pick 1 fighter from your warband and send them forth to complete a minor quest. To do so, roll on the the table below.1155+3

Questor Soulsworn Lesser Artefacts

  D66  Result
11-16No Deeds To Be Done
Your warrior returns having discovered no petty evils to slay nor minor devils to be dealt with.
This result has no effect.
21-26Slain Fiend
Having felled a fearsome beast of the forest, your warrior's legend has begun to spread.
[Reward] You receive D6 glory.
31-33Mirror of Moments Past
After carving open an elder Gnarloak, your warrior discovers an oaken staircase spiralling down within. At the bottom lies a strange crystal bowl carved with beast-symbols you do not recognise. Traces of atavistic power still cling to it.
[Consumable] The bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, change all your ability dice to value 6.
34-36Templar's Charm
A relic from the Astral Templars' great campaign within the Gnarlwood, one who bears this relic is inundated with the courage of that famed Stormhost.
[Perishable] Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, they can make a bonus move action.
41-43Lightning Arc Icon
This warrior bears a holy statuette which, when crushed, causes their weapons to crackle with potent celestial energies.
[Consumable] The bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, add 2 to the Range characteristic of their attack actions this activation.
44-46Plume of The Raptor
This large and impressive feather was gifted by a particularly lordly Star-eagle. When first blood is drawn, it glows, imbuing the bearer with the speed of those famous beasts.
[Perishable] The first time an enemy fighter is taken down in the battle, this fighter can make 1 bonus move action, bonus disengage action or bonus attack action.
51-53Glorious Declaration
This warrior has made an oath never to fall while the quest remains incomplete. That promise, engraved on their armour, is taken so seriously that in dire circumstances, it drives them to new heights of resilience.
[Consumable] The bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. Add 1 to the bearer's Toughness characteristic until the end of the battle round. In that battle round, each time an enemy fighter that made any attack actions that targeted the bearer ends their activation, if the bearer has not been taken down, remove 1 damage point allocated to the bearer.
54-56Dagger of The Final Promise
Inscribed with runes of vengeance from on high, these daggers cut most bitterly in the wearer's hour of need.
[Consumable] The bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action if they have 15 or more damage points allocated to them. If they do so, pick an enemy fighter within 3" of this fighter. Allocate D6 damage points to that fighter.
61-62The Maker's Brand
Some fluctuation of arcane energy in the region has infused the mark of Grungni upon this warrior's armour with additional power.
[Perishable] This fighter can make the Blaze of Glory reaction even if they have made two actions already this battle round.
63-64Meteoric Charm
Having sworn an oath to defend the realms in perpetuity, this warrior discovers a small charm of meteoric iron, one that seems to bolster their resolve.
[Perishable] Add 5 to this fighter's Wounds characteristic.
65-66Lucky Find
The forager discovers an ancient burial ground and pledges to use any treasures they find therein for noble causes.
[Reward] Immediately roll on the Questor Artefacts table; you receive that artefact of power.