Ydrilan Riverblades
Released: April 2024, Pyre and Flood boxed set.
New release
Fighter images will be added soon.
Runemark | Reaction |
Lethal Gyre: A fighter can make this reaction after they are targeted by a melee attack action but before the hit rolls are made. For each hit roll of 1 from that attack action, allocate 3 damage points to the attacking fighter, or if this fighter has the Agile () runemark, allocate 3 damage points to each enemy fighter within 1" instead. |
Runemark | Ability |
[Double] Riverblades: Until the end of this fighter's activation, add 1 to this fighter's Move characteristic, and after each action this fighter takes, other than wait actions, roll a dice. On a roll of 2+, deal 1 damage to 1 visible enemy fighter within 8". | |
[Double] Rapids Rising Leap: Until the end of this fighter's activation, they can fly when making move actions; however, when flying, they cannot move vertically upwards of more than 3". | |
[Double] Whitecrest Strike: Until the end of this fighter's activation, add 1 to the Strength characteristic of attack actions made by this fighter. | |
[Triple] Standing Wave Stance: A fighter can only use this ability if this fighter has not made a move or disengage action this activation, and if a fighter uses this ability they cannot make a move or disengage action this activation. Until the end of this fighter's activation, add 1 to the Attacks and Strength characteristics of melee attack actions made by this fighter, and until the end of the battle round, add 1 to the Toughness characteristic of this fighter. | |
[Triple] Release the River: Until the end of the battle round, add half the value of this ability (rounding up) to the Move characteristic of friendly fighters while they make a move action that starts within 6" of this fighter. | |
[Quad] Boiling Wrath: This fighter makes a number of bonus actions, which may be any combination of move, attack, and disengage actions, equal to the number of fighters from that fighter's battle group that have been taken down. |
Fighter Profiles
The Ydrilan Riverblades box contains:
- 1x Pureflood Seneschal, with a choice of Master's Blades, Ythara Darts or Ydrilan Warglave
- 3x Crestdancers with Twin-spears
- 1x Crestdancer, with a choice of Twin-spear or Roped sickle
- 4x Stream-runners with Riversteel weapons
- 1x Stream-runner with a choice of Riversteel weapons or Crestblades