Stormcast Eternals Ruination Chamber
Released: September 2024, Warhammer-Community.
The Stormcast Eternals of the Ruination chambers have passed beyond the Storm’s Eye. So many times have they been Reforged in Sigmar’s long war with the Dark Gods that they have almost entirely lost sight of who they once were. Yet this tragic fate also makes them anathema to Chaos. They are saturated with the purifying energy of Azyr, and battle to them is as natural as drawing breath.
Runemark | Reaction |
Ancient Aura: A fighter can make this reaction when an enemy fighter within 6" of them uses an ability. Roll a dice. Add 2 to the roll if this fighter has a Memorian token, then remove that token. If the roll equals or exceeds the value of that ability, that ability has no effect. |
Fighter Abilities
Runemark | Ability |
[Double] Lightning-scoured Soul: This fighter gains a number of ruination dice equal to the value of this ability for the rest of the battle round. Each time this fighter is allocated a damage point, you can roll 1 of their ruination dice. On a 3+, that damage point is not allocated to this fighter. | |
[Double] Through Darkened Skies: Remove this fighter from the battlefield, then set them up on a platform or the battlefield floor, more than 5" from all enemy fighters. | |
[Double] Memories of Past Glories: You can give this fighter 1 Memorian token, to a maximum of 1. Until the end of their activation, add 1 to the Move characteristic of this fighter and add half the value of this ability (rounding up) to the Strength characteristics of melee attack actions made by this fighter. | |
[Triple] Sense Unholy Sorcery: For the rest of the battle round, the value of abilities used by enemy f ighters within a number of inches of this fighter equal to the value of this ability is 1. If there is a friendly Gryph-crow within 6" of this fighter, the range of this ability is battlefield-wide. | |
[Triple] Earn an Honourable Death: You can give this fighter 1 Memorian token, to a maximum of 1. Pick one or more friendly fighters with the Ruination Chamber () runemark that each have 5 or more damage points allocated to them and are visible to this fighter. Those friendly fighters can each make a bonus attack action. | |
[Triple] Blazing Lantern: For the rest of the battle round, critical hits for attacks made by enemy f ighters visible to this fighter and within a number of inches of this fighter equal to the value of this ability become hits instead. | |
[Quad] Deliver Judgement: Pick a visible friendly fighter with the Ruination Chamber () runemark that has activated this battle round and that is within 6" of this fighter. You cannot pick a fighter with the Hero () runemark. That fighter can be activated once more later in this combat phase. |