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Fyreslayers Background Tables

Source: Warcry Tome of Champions 2019 (out of print)

Zealous, hot-blooded and warlike for duardin, the Fyreslayers are holy berserkers dedicated to the warrior-god Grimnir.

Organised into patriarchal societies known as lodges, the Fyreslayers are amongst the most skilled and fearsome warriors in all the realms. Hammered into the iron-hard flesh of each duardin are ur- gold runes that blaze with inner light. Each contains a portion of Grimnir’s power, harnessed by the Zharrgrim priesthood in times of need. In search of this ur-gold – the intertwined essence of their god and the godbeast Vulcatrix after they were mutually slain in battle – some Fyreslayer warbands venture into the cursed lands of the Eightpoints. Here, they sell their axes to any cause, sifting through the hoards of golden coin in search of the ur-gold fragments that only they can detect.

Fyreslayers Names

D10First NameD10Last Name
4Borgrimm4the Chronicler
7Vaegor7the Furious

Fyreslayers Origins

1Goldseekers: Your warriors believe that vast troves of ur-gold can be found in the Eightpoints.
2Axes for Hire: Your warriors exemplify the mercenary creed of the Fyreslayers and will sell their services to any who can match their price.
3Worshippers of the Ur-salamander: The warriors at your command honour Vulcatrix in their holy rituals just as much as they do Grimnir.
4Touched by Aqshy: The power of fire magic clings to your warriors, their skin and beards glowing like bright magma.
5Oathbound: You and your warriors have taken the oath to become grimnyn, seeking either death in battle or a worthy cause for which to fight.
6Exemplars of the Lodge: One of your lodge’s ruling family favours you and your warriors, fighting alongside you in many a battle.

Fyreslayers Leader Background

1Fiery Ambition: This warrior seeks to prove their might by defeating the most terrible of enemies.
2Visions of the Burning Berserker: In the heat of battle, this warrior believes they occasionally receive visions from long-dead Grimnir.
3Grudgebound: To fulfil a long-held grudge, this warrior will go to the very edge of creation and back.
4Favoured Karl: This warrior is entrusted by their lodge’s Runefather with particularly deadly quests.
5Paragon of the Runes: The ur-gold runes fused into this warrior’s flesh are particularly redolent with Grimnir’s spirit.
6Cursed by Glimmerlust: This warrior is afflicted with an insatiable desire for the power of ur-gold.