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Sacrosanct Chamber Background Tables

Source: Warcry Tome of Champions 2019 (out of print)

The warriors of the Sacrosanct Chamber are Sigmar’s finest battle-magisters. Wielding the aetheric power of the tempest, they smite the foes of the God-King without mercy.

Although they marshal the power of the heavens to destroy their enemies, the true purpose of the Sacrosanct Chamber is more vital still to Sigmar’s grand plans. It is they who watch over their brethren as they go through the agony of reforging, and since the commencement of the Soul Wars, it is the Sacrosanct Chamber who have actively sought out the means by which to banish the flaws endemic to this process of resurrection. Many ancient secrets languish forgotten amidst the Eightpoints, and so bands of the Sacrosanct Chamber often travel to these cursed lands, braving their dangers in search of answers.

Sacrosanct Chamber Names

D10First NameD10Last Name
1Vortigar1the Seer
6Elethera6Lady of Lightning

Sacrosanct Chamber Origins

1Strange Bedfellows: Your warriors are all highly idiosyncratic and have been drawn together largely by the demands of necessity.
2Zealots: Your warriors are fiery extollers of the God-King’s glory.
3Vow of Silence: Your warband has taken a vow of silence, communicating only through hand gestures and arcane sigils.
4Gheist Hunters: Your warriors excel at combating the otherworldly and the ethereal.
5Seekers of Redemption: Your warriors are tireless in searching for ways to banish the flaws in the reforging process.
6Guardians of the Anvil: These warriors have often been called upon to watch over the Anvil of the Apotheosis.

Sacrosanct Chamber Leader Background

1Sombre: This warrior is a reserved and melancholy soul, not given to zealous oratory.
2Beloved Leader: This warrior will risk everything to safeguard those under their command.
3Wise Veteran: This warrior dispenses sage advice to their warriors even in the heat of battle.
4Merciless: No plea for restraint or clemency can find purchase with this unforgiving warrior.
5Stormspeaker: It is said that this warrior can commune with the power of the tempest.
6Mage-noble: This warrior once belonged to the nobility of an arcanely gifted kingdom.