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Idoneth Deepkin Background Tables


There are two versions of some tables, one from the Warcry Core Book 2019, and an updated one from White Dwarf #484.

Idoneth Deepkin enclaves can be found deep within oceans across all of the Mortal Realms. From abyssal Ulgu to the gleaming waters of Ghyran, they raid coastal settlements, desperate to bolster the lives of their young and the expansion of their territory.

Despite being allies of the forces of Order, the Idoneth often come into conflict with the many races of the realms as they harvest the soul of anyone they can catch. No life-matter is wasted; their desire for the precious resource will override their loyalties if need be. The ethersea allows them to strike in packs above water upon their aquatic mounts, and their strikes are often precise, deadly and quick.

Idoneth Deepkin Names

D10First NameD10Last Name

Idoneth Deepkin Origins

1High King’s Emissaries: Sent by High King Volturnos himself, this warband has been tasked with recovering as many souls as possible.
2Slick as Elvers: This warband trained together long ago and works like a well-oiled machine.
3Driven by Despair: This warband’s enclave is dying out. They will use underhanded tactics and ambushes to gain more souls quickly.
4Allies of Convenience: This warband has a tendency to ally with those they stumble across, but they are not afraid to betray them mercilessly.
5Swamp Stalkers: This warband prefers to fight near swamps and mires, seeing them as the next best thing if they cannot access bodies of water.
6Lured by Myth: This warband heard the tales of the distant Ravening Ruin and are driven by insatiable curiosity to find the pools of Talaxis.

Idoneth Deepkin Leader Background

1Fought to the Top: This warrior fought their way up the ranks to become an Akhelian King and is used to the hardship and struggle.
2Driven by Vengeance: This warrior kills any servants of Morathi on sight, still bitter over the Khainites’ previous betrayal.
3Soul-purifier: This warrior is obsessed with finding the waters of Talaxis at any cost.
4Relic-hunter: This warrior has an interest in the arcane relics lost in the forest and will loot enemies to bring their possessions back as prizes.
5Fish Out of Water: This warrior despises spending so long out of water and exclusively travels routes between lakes and ponds.
6Ghurish Seafarer: This warrior has acclimatised to Ghur’s harsh atmosphere, having spent their life within the realm’s fierce seas.