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Idoneth Deepkin Quests

Source: White Dwarf #484 (out of print)


In battle, the Idoneth take what souls they can before retreating, leaving soul-drained husks in their wake.

Pick 1 artefact of power from the Artefacts of the Deep table (see below) and note it in your quest log. You cannot pick an artefact of power already borne by a fighter in your warband. While embarked upon this quest, you must keep track of the souls your warband has taken, represented by a souls score.

Add 1 to your souls score each time:

  • Each time an enemy fighter is taken down by a melee attack action made by a friendly fighter with the Idoneth Deepkin (Idoneth Deepkin) faction runemark. If that enemy fighter had the Hero (Hero) runemark and/or a Wounds characteristic of 20 or more, add 3 to your souls score instead.
  • Each time an enemy fighter is taken down within 3" of a friendly fighter with the Hero (Hero) runemark.
  • For each enemy fighter within 6" of the centre of the battlefield at the end of a battle in which your warband fought.
  • Each time an injury roll is made for an enemy fighter in the aftermath sequence of a battle in which your warband fought.

You can complete this quest once your souls score is 14 or more. When you complete this quest, you obtain the artefact of power that was noted in your quest log.

Artefacts of the Deep

Artefacts Of The Deep
Armour of the Cythai
At the bearer's behest, this suit of armour emits a blinding light, searing attackers with the power of Hysh.
The bearer can make the following reaction:
[Reaction] Light of Hysh: A fighter can make this reaction when they are targeted by a melee attack action but before the hit rolls are made. For each hit roll from that attack action that is a critical hit, allocate 3 damage points to the attacking fighter.
Helm of Distant Promises
The gaze of the bearer becomes a hypnotic lure, drawing luckless fighters to their doom. However, no matter how far or how fast the victim runs, the bearer they see remains just out of reach.
Enemy fighters that end a move action within 3" of the bearer cannot target the bearer with melee attack actions until the end of the battle round.
The Vortex Shroud
With but a simple twirl, this cloak will cause invisible currents to swirl around the bearer at deadly speeds. Designed for underwater defence, this is equally effective at preventing arrows, bullets and worse from finding their mark while on a soul-raid.
Subtract 2 from the damage points allocated by each critical hit (to a minimum of 1) from missile attack actions that target the bearer.
Bell of Empty Tolls
This bell has no clapper and makes no sound when tolled. When held aloft, it emits a variety of subsonic waves that summon all manner of creatures to the bearer's aid.
Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. If they do so, pick a lesser artefact that is a familiar. The bearer has that lesser artefact until the end of the battle.
The Waveless Lance
This barbed spear warps space around it so that, once cast, nothing can impede its passage.
Once per battle round, the bearer can make the following attack action. In addition, while making that attack action, enemy fighters cannot make the ‘Take Cover' reaction nor can they be in cover.

Profile R A S D
Spear 3-8 3 4 2/5
Mantle of Mathlann
This cloak of flowing water was a gift from an Eidolon of Mathlann, and it provides a small measure of that figure's mythical power and grace.
Add 1 to the Move characteristic of the bearer, and the bearer gains the Fly (Fly) runemark.

Idoneth Raiding Post

Once the Idoneth have located an area ripe for harvesting, it is not uncommon for them to maintain a small outpost dryside, to better collate and process stolen soul-matter. Such outposts boast powerful defences in the form of the magical mists summoned by the Idoneth, which cause enemy fighters to forget their purpose, become lost and then inevitably end up as soul fodder for the Idoneth.

While embarked upon this quest, you must keep track of the progress your warband makes, represented by a progress score. Add 2 to your progress score in step 4 of each campaign battle's aftermath sequence if you won the battle. In addition, in step 4 of the aftermath sequence, you can pick up to 3 fighters from your warband that took part in the last battle and were not taken down, and send them forth to search for supplies. To do so, roll a dice, and add the score rolled to your progress score. In addition, on a roll of 1, the fighter being rolled for is attacked by something within the Gnarlwood. Make an injury roll for that fighter.

While your progress score totals 20 or more, you can fight battles using the ‘Preparing the Mists' quest battleplan. If you do so and you win the battle, in step 4 of the aftermath sequence, you can complete this quest. If you do so, in step 5 of the aftermath sequence, you can relocate your warband's encampment to an ‘Idoneth Raiding Post' (see below) and do not need to spend any glory to do so.


Quest Battleplan: Preparing The Mists

The mists that protect the Idoneth Raiding Post are as deadly as they are potent, but a great ritual must be performed before the mists themselves will appear. This is a draining affair for even the most learned or stoic Idoneth, and they must trust their fellows to keep them alive whilst they focus on summoning the mists.

Attacker and Defender

In this battle, the questing player is the defender, and the adversary player is the attacker.


Set up terrain using the alternative terrain rules.


Use the deployment map below. The defender is blue and the attacker is red.

Before deploying, the defender must place their leader or a friendly fighter with the Mystic (Mystic) runemark and/or Priest (Priest) runemark as centrally as possible on the battlefield floor. That fighter is the ritualist. The ritualist cannot make move actions.


The battle ends after 5 battle rounds. At the end of the battle, if the ritualist is on the battlefield, the defender wins. Otherwise, the attacker wins.


Mindprey Mists

The thick, enveloping mists emanating from the ritualist cause enemies to become forgetful and sluggish, making them easy prey.

In the first battle round, fighters within 3" of the ritualist are considered to be in the mists. Add 3" to this distance in each subsequent battle round (so in the third battle round, fighters within 9" of the ritualist are considered to be in the mists).

The attacker's fighters in the mists cannot use abilities or make reactions. A fighter in the mists is not visible to fighters that are not in the mists. Fighters in the mists are not visible to each other unless they are within 3" of each other.

The Aftermath Sequence

The adversary player receives the following bonus in the aftermath sequence:

Renown to be Earned: The adversary player adds 1 to each renown roll they make in this aftermath sequence.

Encampment Location: Idoneth Raiding Post

LocationLocation BonusPoints LimitReputation Modifier
Idoneth Raiding Post
This mist-shrouded outpost keeps the Idoneth Deepkin safe whilst confounding any who would dare try to launch a counter-raid to retrieve a fallen comrade's soul.
In the aftermath sequence of a battle in which your warband fought, each time an enemy fighter suffers the Killed result on the Injury table, you gain 2 glory. In addition, in step 5 of the aftermath sequence, you can pick 1 fighter from your warband and send them forth to plumb the ethersea. To do so, roll on the table below.1150+3

Idoneth Deepkin Lesser Artefacts

  D66  Result
11–16Disappointing Catch
Despite your warrior's best efforts, the ethersea refuses to give up its treasures.
This result has no effect.
21–26Full Nets
Your warrior returns with some ancient coins and a few other trinkets that the lesser races will cheerfully trade for.
[Reward] You receive D6 glory.
31–33Brain Barnacles
These atrocious creatures burrow deep into the enemy's mind, causing immense pain.
[Consumable] The bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. When they do so, pick 1 visible enemy fighter within 1" of the bearer. That enemy fighter cannot use abilities or make reactions until the end of the battle round.
These razor sharp pieces of coral are kept in a small pouch, before being delicately removed and hurled with extreme precision into the vulnerable soft spots of enemies, leaving them screaming in agony and open to assault.
[Consumable] The bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. When they do so, pick 1 visible enemy fighter within 8" of the bearer, and roll a dice. On a 3+, allocate 1 damage point to that enemy fighter. In addition, subtract 3 from that enemy fighter's Toughness characteristic (to a minimum of 1) until the end of the battle round.
41–43Grief Urchin Venom Dart
Delicately crafted from the spine of a devastatingly lethal grief urchin, the pain caused by this dart can completely debilitate an enemy and curtail any attack.
[Consumable] The bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. When they do so, pick 1 visible enemy fighter within 8" of the bearer, and roll a dice. On a 3+, allocate 1 damage point to that enemy fighter. In addition, subtract 3 from the Strength characteristic of that enemy fighter's melee attack actions (to a minimum of 1) until the end of the battle round.
44–46Ethermarine Reinforcements
A lone Idoneth warrior, scarred but unbowed, enters your encampment, offering their aid.
[Reward] The first time you add a fighter to your warband roster in your next Manage Your Warband step, subtract 2 from the glory point cost to do so (to a minimum of 0).
51–53Shard of the Drowned Men
This is a splinter of the hull of the Light of Dawn, a ship cursed by the Idoneth that sank in calm waters. The bearer can use it to direct the ethersea to some small degree, causing great discomfort and confusion to the enemy before battle.
[Consumable] If the bearer is included in your warband, at the start of the first initiative phase, you can declare that the bearer will direct the ethersea. When they do so, roll a dice. On a 1–3, you gain 1 additional wild dice. On a 4+, you gain 1 additional wild dice, and your opponent loses 1 wild dice.
54–56Adolescent Shearclaw
Despite its diminutive size, once the claws of this crab-like creature latch on, it is nigh-on impossible to remove.
This lesser artefact is a familiar.
[Perishable] Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. When they do so, pick 1 visible enemy fighter within 3" of the bearer, and roll a dice. On a 3+, that fighter cannot make move actions until the end of this battle round.
61–62Juvenile Spinefin
Even thralled, spinefins make poor companions. If carefully managed, however, they can be ‘milked' of their venom, which, when slathered generously on a blade, can cause even meagre wounds to blossom with pain.
This lesser artefact is a familiar.
[Perishable] Once per battle, the bearer can use this artefact as a bonus action. When they do so, count 1 miss from the next attack action made by this fighter this activation as a critical hit.
63–64Infant Voltane Eel
This tiny eel refuses to leave the ‘cave' that is the bearer's robe or sleeve. It emerges only to feed and nip at anyone that would dare harm its master, with deadly results.
This lesser artefact is a familiar.
[Perishable] The bearer can use this artefact to make the following reaction:
[Reaction] Voltaic Retaliation: A fighter can make this reaction when they are targeted by a melee attack action but before the hit rolls are made. For each hit roll from that attack action that is a critical hit, allocate 3 damage points to the attacking fighter.
65–66Gifts of the Ethersea
You awake to find that the tides have brought you great gifts. Mathlann smiles upon you!
[Reward] Roll twice on this table. Re-roll any further results of ‘Disappointing Catch' and ‘Gifts of the Ethersea'.